Every day is seeking to rise to the challenge, 'neath the shadow of the mighty Rockies.

Musical Meditations for the Holy Season: Sixteen Crucifixion Songs
In the spirit of my 50 favorite Christmas songs, I have decided to assemble a shorter list of 16 moving crucifixion songs to commemorate the Good Friday and Easter season. John 19:16b-19 So they took Jesus, and he went out, bearing his own cross, to the place called The Place of a Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha. There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, and Jesus between them. Pilate also wrote an inscription and put it on the cross. It read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” Luke 23:44-47 It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, while the sun's light failed. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Then Jesus, calling … [Read more...]

The Best Healthcare Jobs Ranked
With years of incredibly strenuous study, undergoing a Medical Degree is not for the faint-hearted. You’ll need to complete four to five years of pre-med, four years of medical school, and then three to seven years of residency depending on the field you wish to certify in. However, becoming a doctor, nurse or dentist is appealing because it’s a job that allows people to bring goodness into the world. Although hard work, there’s nothing better than saving lives, and feeling like what you do truly matters. Of course, working in medicine is time-consuming, requires unsociable hours and can take an age to become a fully-fledged doctor, etc. However, the pay isn’t bad, and the positions are always needed and in demand. If you’re a student … [Read more...]

4 Habits to Make You a Safer Driver
Thanks to decades of public safety campaigns and road safety advertisements, we’re now driving on safer roads and in safer cars. As a result, road accident rates are going down. However, the figures are still too high, especially amongst younger drivers, with road collisions being the highest cause of death amongst young people in the UK. Whether you’re currently learning to drive, have just passed your driving test or have been driving your own car for a while, you can benefit from becoming a safer driver. Stick to Speed Limits Even going just a few miles per hour over the speed limit can have serious consequences in a collision. Although you might not feel that you’re going very fast at 30mph or 40mph when you’re behind the wheel, the … [Read more...]

Simple Ways to Improve Your Fitness in College
Keeping fit in college can often seem far too time-consuming, with other pressing issues such as submitting assignments on time, getting good grades, and keeping on top of revision taking precedence. When you have work mounting up quickly as lots of college students do, finding the time to work out at the gym daily can often be difficult, especially if by the time you’ve finished everything that you have to do, it’s late or you’re really tired. Thankfully, there are many small, simple changes that you can make to your routine that will help you to see significant results. Take Short Breaks With online programs such as the masters in social work online from Rutgers Online growing in popularity, more and more students are spending their day … [Read more...]

Why More Students Are Taking Online Courses
If you're thinking about going back to college or university, it's worth considering enrolling in an online course. The way people learn and obtain new qualifications has changed significantly in the last couple of years. As a wide range of technologies have improved, more colleges and universities have decided to offer online versions of many of their most popular courses. This is good news for students for the following reasons. You Get a High-quality Recognized Qualification In the early days of the internet, some fly-by-night operators offered online courses, but they were often of little value to the student and were not recognized by most employers. This situation has changed because most of the leading colleges and universities … [Read more...]

My 50 Favorite Christmas Songs: 2016 Edition
Who knew that a three-year stint could earn the power of tradition by missing a turn and crossing state lines? Yet I'm drawn back to updating the list of my 50 favorite Christmas(/Advent) songs, first posted in 2012. The list returned for 2013 and 2014 -- with changes and additions each time. It's back again, with a couple newcomers (including one thanks to my friend Jerry) and a little rearranging of the Top 10. The previous 2014 ranking for each entry follows in parentheses. Last time, I linked every entry to a free online version that best captures the respective song's quality (or just was available and sounded interesting). Most of the same links reappear on this version, though some have changed. If you want to know the reason … [Read more...]

Jeffco, Arvada Conservatives: Prepare to Vote
Off-year elections can get easily overlooked. But this year, if you live in Jefferson County and especially Arvada, your involvement as an informed conservative voter is more important than ever. Please check out and share this sample ballot. Thanks to others for creating the ballot, but I share their recommendations wholeheartedly. First, for the Board of Education, it comes down to three simple items to remember to vote for: NO, NO, and NO on the union-backed, fact-challenged recall: If you need more information to understand why, check out Jeffco Students First and Kids Are First Jeffco Kim Johnson, District 3 Tori Merritts, District 4 For the first time in my memory, the local Arvada City Council races feature a full slate of … [Read more...]

Social Media Buzz Cannot Be Safely Disregarded
In today's fast-paced social media world, disengagement is simply not an option. Whether it's an independent author like myself monitoring what people are saying about my eccentric title character, or a large corporation with millions of dollars of profits on the line, there is no excuse to lose track of what's being said about your brand on Facebook, Twitter, or other outlets. In this way, business and marketing are a lot like democratic politics -- a prominent topic on this site. It doesn't matter if the buzz is true or not. Our famous 16th president Abraham Lincoln once said about statesmanship: "A universal feeling, whether well or ill-founded, cannot be safely disregarded." Despite what some satiric Lincoln memes might suggest, Old … [Read more...]

Homeowner, Insulate Thyself
We've just come through one of Colorado's uncommon extended cold, gray, snowy spells. That beautiful sunshine poked through, then poured out, this morning. Temperatures rose above freezing, and with it my spirits rose. Sustained cold is not my friend. Being able to come inside to warmth -- efficient warmth that doesn't drain the pocketbook -- is not something to be taken for granted. Good insulation is the answer. Not only for the cold times, to save your heating bills. But also when the warm days come, and the rodents, spiders, and box elder bugs look to make themselves unwelcome visitors. But if you're going to do it, do it right. Do your research and get informed. Even if you live in Colorado, like I do, the value of a well … [Read more...]

Felony DUI Bill a 2015 Colorado Commonsense Success Story?
With a partisan split in the state legislature, Colorado won't see as many laws passed this year. For the most part, I count that as a positive occurrence. An important exception is House Bill 1043, brought forward by second-term Rep. Lori Saine (R-Firestone). HB 1043 would make it substantially easier for district attorneys to prosecute repeat DUI offenders with a felony offense. Earlier this month, the bill unanimously passed through the House Judiciary Committee. It must make a stop in the House Finance Committee before getting its first full floor hearing. As you can see in the graphic below, Colorado has one of the highest rates of DUI arrests per 10,000 residents. Would making the law somewhat tougher help? Fewer fatalities, one … [Read more...]
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