Every day is seeking to rise to the challenge, 'neath the shadow of the mighty Rockies.

Why the Skills Gap is a Knowledge Gap
Nearly a decade ago, in October 2009, when the recession and unemployment was at its absolute worst, unemployment peaked at 10 percent. All the while the Bureau of Labor Statistics noted that there were 2.1 million available jobs. What happened after that was unsurprising, but unfortunate all the same. Both sides of the political aisle saw a chance to make a political statement. The Republicans called out the unemployed for being lazy, while the Democrats claimed that the greed of corporate America was to blame — if they would only pay what they should. The focus was not the fact that those jobs existed; instead, the focus was on the debate. Why the Shift to College Education? High school graduates have attended college at far … [Read more...]

Six Ways To Be More Mindful In All Areas Of Life
Being mindful is something that more of us could certainly benefit from in all areas of life including at home and work. Mindfulness is about being aware of the present moment and enjoying that, rather than worrying about everything else that may or may not happen (especially if there is nothing you can do about it either way). It can take some time to get used to being mindful, but there are specific practices that will help you along your mindfulness journey. Here are some ideas about bringing mindfulness into all areas of your life, even if those areas are normally stressful ones. Meditation If you find trying to fit meditation time into an already busy day difficult, then try to break it down into much smaller chunks of time. … [Read more...]

Net Neutrality: Where Do We Go from Here?
The freedom of the internet was recently thrown into uncertainty at the end of last year. There were measures put into place that secured the freedom to browse the internet freely and without any restrictions. You could sign up for service through a number of providers, and once you had access to the web that was it — no road blocks or restricted sites. That can all very well change. Without the security of Net Neutrality, companies such as Comcast, Verizon, Spectrum, can now alter the way you browse the internet. Nothing has yet changed, other than the fact that a change can happen very soon. The repeal of Net Neutrality had good numbers to oppose it, yet somehow it still passed. While many are looking for other ways to get neutrality … [Read more...]

The Latest Educational Approaches to Autism
Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can develop skills at a different rate, and they may acquire them in a different order than their peers. This is because the disorder affects the way we interpret and communicate information. A learner with ASD may not be responsive, even when called by name, and they may not use eye contact and appropriate gestures when speaking. They may have difficulty focusing, staying attentive, organizing information, making inferences, and maintaining emotional control. These challenges can create severe barriers in a child’s educational journey — but they don’t have to. As a teacher — and especially as a person of faith — you have an obligation to help learners reach their full potential. There have … [Read more...]

How to Stand Out in Job Hunting
Getting a job can be tough, depending on what you want to do, where you want to live and how much you want to earn. Maybe you’re fresh out of university or college, or lost your previous work for some reason. How do you get yourself on the market, and stand out from the rest? Don’t panic. There are lots of things you can do to make yourself more employable, to boost your attractiveness to companies. Let’s take a look at some of them. What do you want to do? Before starting your job search, you really need to pin down the basics of what kind of work you want to take up, where and the salary. You need to focus your hunt on the industry that you feel you’re best suited to. If you’ve worked elsewhere already, are you looking for a change? If … [Read more...]

My 50 Favorite Christmas Songs: 2017 Edition
For the fifth time in six years, I've decided to post the list of my 50 favorite Christmas(/Advent) songs, first assembled in 2012. The list returned for 2013, 2014 and (after a cross-state moving hiatus) in 2016. Once again, as in the last couple editions, I have linked every entry to a free online version that best captures the respective song's quality (or just was available and sounded interesting). Most of the links are the same as before. Nonetheless, a few had to be replaced after coming off YouTube, or I just found a better or more interesting version. While three songs disappeared off the list for the first time ever (marked in Bold Italics in the list below the Top 50), this year two oldies made inaugural appearances on the Top … [Read more...]
Tax Reform and You: What Will 2018 Bring?
Image Source: Pexels 2017 has seen a number of different tax reform proposals, most significantly a revision of the current tax brackets and modification of various deductions, depending on the state where you live. Now, the Senate has passed a bill to drastically reform federal taxes. While it still has to be approved by the House of Representatives before it goes through, the bill holds massive potential to benefit businesses. While the proposed tax bill drew strong, controversial reactions from Democrats, there is no doubt that it would help increase businesses growth and success. Here’s how it could affect your next tax season if it passes. Business Tax Changes It’s no secret that Obama era tax reform did nothing to help … [Read more...]

Powerful Ways To Handle Difficult Situations
It’s likely you’re going to have to handle a difficult situation once in a while. It’s never a pleasant experience and oftentimes causes a lot of angst. There are some people who fold or turn their back and others who learn to face adversity with a sense of calm and poise. It’s your decision who you want to be and which strategy you choose to use in your life. If you’re someone who wants to learn more about tackling challenges with proactive approaches then you’ve come to the right place. Remember that it’s never too late to get back on the right foot. See powerful ways to handle difficult situations. Go to the Source One way is to stop beating around the bush and go right to the source of your pain. Whether it’s a job, person or … [Read more...]

Building Self Esteem at Any Age
C.S. Lewis once wrote: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” Many of us often seem to get humility confused with bad self-esteem as a way to justify our dwelling place within self discouragement. But it’s not good or healthy for us to stay there. We’re more or less taught this by society unfortunately, and learning bad self-esteem at a young age is pretty common. Since so many of us are programed to think lowly ourselves, how can we turn that around, no matter where we are in age or life experience? We all have different challenges that work against our own self respect and self image, but they can be manageable and do not have to break us down. Trust, Trust, Trust Did you know that including a … [Read more...]

How to Realistically Find an Optimal Work-Life Balance
Finding the appropriate work-life balance is a challenge that every individual struggles with at some point in their life. As Juliet Schor reports in her book “The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure,” hours worked and stress about those jobs are on the incline, while family time, sleep, and leisure time are gradually becoming more like amenities, rather than necessities for all classes of employed Americans. According to research, finding a suitable work-life balance is even harder if you’re a member of a younger generation. “Nearly one-third of millennials say managing their work, family, and personal responsibilities has become more difficult in the past five years,” writes Time contributor Donna Rosato. “And nearly … [Read more...]
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