The other day I highlighted Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's indefensible statement and the need for repudiation. But more serious than a statement at Berkeley is Sotomayor's actual judicial record. It certainly is interesting to see serious criticism directed at Barack Obama's nominee from outside the center-right political spectrum -- and not because she is insufficiently liberal. Take the Denver Post's Chuck Plunkett, for example:You’re supposed to say out-there stuff at Berkeley. Otherwise everyone thinks you’re dull and boorish. But while wearing the robes of justice you’re supposed to be fair. And the Ricci v. New Haven decision Sotomayor was involved in looks just terrible – even to some prominent Democrats. … [Read more...]
The Education Empire (Quietly) Strikes Back at SB 57 School Transparency
Senate Bill 57, the school financial transparency bill, has defied anyone's expectation and made it through one-half of the legislature. From the senate, it's now on to the house. Apparently, but not too surprisingly, the lobbyists for the education establishment are looking for a way to kill the bill without looking like they oppose transparency. The COST blog exposes the details. School districts can use low-cost technology to place expenditures and revenues online in a searchable format; that excuse has been worn thin. So I guess it's time to resort to other ineffective arguments, along with procedural tactics and other technicalities. What about the people's lobby? Will they turn out again to speak out for their right to see … [Read more...]
Counterproductive: Scott Renfroe Poorly Chose Rhetoric and Context
Denver Post columnist Al Knight has a fine piece today stating the arguments why the Colorado legislature should reject Senate Bill 88, the mandate to provide health-insurance benefits to same-sex couples: it embroils the state in legal battles, it violates the will of state voters, it has a negative impact on a tight budget, etc. No, instead, Republican state senator Scott Renfroe opened his mouth during the SB 88 debate, and played right into the hands of the Left. … [Read more...]
Michael Bennet to Colorado Taxpayers: Porkulus is Merely the Beginning
Selected Senator Michael Bennet to Colorado taxpayers: "The beatings will continue until moral improves". So reports the Fort Morgan Times on Bennet's visit yesterday:Government has to find some kind of answer to the economic woes which are besieging the country, he said. The stimulus package is just the beginning, but it can bring some relief, Bennet said. [emphasis added] What's next? The Obama housing plan? You know, rewarding irresponsible behavior, paying your neighbor's mortgage. Does Michael Bennet have a position on the Obama housing plan? Or maybe he just expects Colorado's hard-working taxpayers to assume the position again (you know, hand in wallet).... Is there anything Bennet will support or oppose without the … [Read more...]