As Election Day draws closer, appointed Democrat Secretary of State Bernie Buescher can't be feeling too good. He has been nagged by his office's failure to ensure that overseas military personnel have timely ballot access, perhaps affected by his long hours away from the office. Then yesterday comes the painful, ironic news of a campaign finance complaint against the state's chief election officer. As reported by Steven Paulson of the Associated Press:A Denver attorney has filed a complaint against Secretary of State Bernie Buescher claiming Buescher violated state law by using state workers to coordinate his campaign for re-election. A press release from the campaign of Republican opponent Scott Gessler highlights the other part of … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2010
Yes, Ken Buck is Ahead, DSCC Poll Isn’t Equivalent to Rasmussen (Not Close)
The Denver Post's Michael Booth is to be commended for his efforts: He's working really hard to bolster the flagging campaign of appointed junior U.S. Senator Michael Bennet. Maybe it's some sort of "Michael B" bond. Who knows? Though artificially inflating Bennet's hopes in the end isn't a terribly kind thing to do. Seriously, a new Rasmussen survey comes out today showing Ken Buck breaking the 50 percent mark at 51-43, confirming a trend of independent polls that have the Republican challenger beating Bennet outside the margin of error. Yet Booth leads with a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) poll showing Bennet with a statistically insignificant lead of 48-46. … [Read more...]
Ed Perlmutter Casts Deciding Adjournment Vote Against Tax Relief
We already knew that my Congressman, liberal Democrat Ed Perlmutter, can twist himself into knots defending the Death Tax. But today Perlmutter went further, providing the decisive vote on the House floor (210-209) to adjourn Congress to keep from voting on extending the Bush tax cuts that would provide relief to my family and millions of others. Thirty-nine Democrats voted against adjournment to give a chance to debate tax relief. But not Ed Perlmutter. The official response from the campaign of Republican challenger Ryan Frazier:“Ed decided to skip town early rather than vote to get our nation’s economy back on track,” Tyler Q. Houlton, Ryan Frazier’s Campaign spokesman, said. “Ed would rather put his reelection chances above the … [Read more...]
Fact-Checking Democratic Candidate Jeanne Nicholson on K-12 Spending
Update, 10:30 PM: In an email this evening, Republican candidate Tim Leonard responded to the charge from his Democratic opponent as follows:After one debate together, she clearly knows that her statement of my position is erroneous. I have used clear language to state that my position is to reduce our state government spending to equal our tax revenues -- currently estimated to be a $1.1B budget decrease. And I have been equally clear that I support an "across the board" reduction in all the funded areas of our state government. So to represent to the public that I would support absorbing 100% of our budget shortfall within public education is a purposeful misrepresentation for the benefit of fooling voters. This is the very … [Read more...]
How Will Colo. Education Groups’ Political Giving Match Election Results?
Ed News Colorado posted an interesting piece by Todd Engdahl this morning on the political support of the five in-state education interest groups that endorse and contribute to candidates: Colorado Education Association (CEA) American Federation of Teachers Colorado (AFT) Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE) Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) Stand for Children Colorado (Stand) Unsurprisingly Engdahl reports:Of the more than 130 contributions or endorsements by the five groups, 90 percent went to Democratics [sic]. Only CASE (seven of 32 total) and Stand for Children (five of 18) endorsed Republicans. (Stand also endorsed the legislature’s only independent, former Democratic Rep. Kathleen Curry of Gunnison.) The … [Read more...]
Key Poll: Two in Three Likely Colorado Voters Say Government Spending Too High, Affects Them Personally
An interesting political poll is out today, commissioned by the group Public Notice and conducted jointly by The Tarrance Group and Hart Research. What's interesting for this time on the calendar is that it asks no questions about candidates or ballot issues. But the results from 500 likely Colorado voters (asked between Sept 12 and 15) offer some valuable, if not terribly surprising, insights about the upcoming election: 68% of likely voters say government spending is too high; only 10% say it is too low.... Nearly two thirds (61%) named government spending among the most important issues to their vote.... Nearly two thirds (65%) say government spending is a factor in their own financial situation.... The perceived impact of government … [Read more...]
Important Election Season Flashback: Ethically Challenged Ed Perlmutter?
And now a little blast from the past... Funny how some stories more easily disappear when it's the heart of election season and the story casts a liberal Democrat incumbent in a bad light. The last Saturday in September is the perfect time to dive back into the Mount Virtus archives to remind readers why it's time to bring home my Democratic Congressman. From July 15, 2009, a look at ethically challenged Ed Perlmutter and a Washington Times scoop that should find its way back onto the radar of local political reporters:Rep. Ed Perlmutter of Colorado inserted a provision into the recently passed House climate change bill that would drum up business for "green" banks, such as the one he has invested in and his family and a political donor … [Read more...]
Obama Administration Burdens Private Colleges with Intrusive Regulations
Winning back one house of Congress will be nice, but lovers of liberty and limited government will have to wait longer to undo some of the damage done by executive order. One of the latest cases in point: Obama's Department of Education asserting federal government power into the private higher education accreditation process, providing a threat to academic freedom. Cal Thomas, one of my favorite syndicated columnists, brought attention to the story in his Wednesday piece -- with a special focus on Colorado:Former U.S. Sen. Bill Armstrong, now president of Colorado Christian University, wrote a letter to Education Secretary Arne Duncan on July 30. In it, he warned of an "all-out politicization of American higher education, endangering … [Read more...]
“Working Stiffed”: Daily Show Pans Organized Labor Hypocrisy
It's not often I post up clips from The Daily Show, but this mock-up of a Nevada UFCW local's anti-Wal Mart protest had me in stitches. If you have five minutes for the laugh, take it: The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c … [Read more...]
Colorado Town Hall Meetings Give Chance to Learn about Obama Care
If there's one easy clear issue to support on the November ballot, it's Amendment 63 -- Colorado's right to health care choice. Among other things, the amendment protects Coloradans from the unprecedented and counterproductive federal mandate to purchase health insurance. You know, the one that came with the Obama Care "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" package deal? In that spirit, here's a great opportunity to get educated about Obama Care at a series of live town hall gatherings held throughout Colorado on Thursday, September 30, and Friday, October 1. Meetings will take place at various points along the Front Range, from Colorado Springs to Fort Collins and several Denver metro area locations. Check here for the … [Read more...]