The Saturday edition of the Rocky Mountain News featured the proverbial quadrennial story about the energized youth vote. Do we have reason to believe that more young voters will cast their ballots this year? I don't know. But one of my young free market friends astutely suggests that the state of the economy has re-engaged many of them:Wesley Dickinson, a 30-year-old Denver engineer, thinks the economy is forcing people near his age to confront politics more so than at any time since the 1970s economic downturn created a generation of Reagan Republicans. Since then, people have been able to live relatively comfortably and didn't care so much about what the government did; that no longer is true, he said. "They haven't had to worry … [Read more...]
Fraudulent ACORN’s Fallout: How Far From Barack Obama’s Campaign Tree?
Update: From Michelle Malkin, more compelling information on ACORN fraudulent activity, plus federal judge calls out Ohio secretary of state for election law violations... If you haven't been paying attention, it's time to tune in to the story of the Democratic presidential candidate (Barack Obama), widespread voting fraud (ACORN), and detestable past actions that fed the current financial crisis. Are you with me so far? I don't need to retread all the facts because so many others already have. Let's start with this editorial in Investor's Business Daily:A radical group Barack Obama used to work for is committing voter-registration fraud in several states, ahead of the election. What does Obama know about this scam? It goes … [Read more...]
Union Leaders Push Economy-Busting Initiatives to Make Election Interesting
Face The State reports that Big Labor interests are about ready to turn in their signatures on four ballot initiatives that would bust Colorado's economy. You know, it's union leaders' way of protesting Amendment 47, aka Right-to-Work, which would prevent the forced collection of union fees from non-members. Setting aside the Presidential race and even the U.S. Senate showdown between Bob Schaffer and Boulder liberal Mark Udall, this may be a very interesting election season in Colorado yet. … [Read more...]