It's becoming a tradition. As of this evening, I have posted online my ballot with informed recommendations based on my personal inclinations, for whatever they are worth. The online ballot includes all Colorado statewide issues and one local issue, with a discussion of each, along with the candidates for whom I plan to vote (some of which include explanations). Perhaps I should be flattered, but here's hoping you don't agree with me on every last point. Not that I take it to the extreme of one of the greatest conservative political philosophers of the 20th century, of whom William Buckley, Jr., once famously said: "As hard as it is to disagree with Harry Jaffa, it’s even harder to agree with him." Even so, I hope you find it useful. … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2010
Teacher Union-Funded vs. Reformer-Funded: Interesting Colorado Races
Last week I highlighted the political giving of Colorado education-related groups, making several observations. Among them was the fact that none of the groups -- not even the pro-reform **Stand for Children small donor committee -- had supported a single Republican candidate. But I wrote too soon. They just hadn't reported it yet. An Ed News Colorado story today highlights that Stand for Children has backed some of its Republican (and other) endorsements with campaign cash: … [Read more...]
October Means It’s Time to Play Who Said You Said Billboard Scavenger Hunt
Colorado drivers, look around you. Okay, keep your eyes on the road. Of course. But if you're motoring along highways throughout the state, you may see one of the 100 famous Who Said You Said billboards spread throughout Colorado (86 in the Denver metro area and 7 each in Fort Collins and Grand Junction):The billboards invite citizens to “Stop Payment” on reckless ?spending by visiting and send “Stop Payment”? notices to those officeholders. Federal spending has ballooned to $3.7 trillion, we have a $1 trillion budget deficit and are $13 trillion in debt. Take some time today and send these representatives a “Stop Payment” notice. Breitbart TV has taken notice of the billboard campaign; why not you? If you're … [Read more...]
Enterprise Group Political Report: Some State House R Will Deliver Big Upset
In the most recent edition of The Enterprise Group Political Report ("At the Nexus of Business and Politics") email newsletter, Andrew Boucher of Boucher Strategies in Fort Collins writes:I'll make three fearless predictions for November: 1. In the state legislative races, there will be at least one absolute stunner where a Republican no one has ever heard of knocks off an incumbent Democrat no one knew was in trouble. 2. Everything down-ballot is going to swing heavily towards the Republicans. (The less a voter has been paying attention to a particular race, the more likely they'll default to the the national mood. Call it surfing the wave.) 3. Ben DeGrow is exactly right: "In this kind of generic political environment, in … [Read more...]
Why Decent Souls Will Be Glad to See Congressman Alan Grayson Lose
One of the silent joys I plan to take on Election Night will be watching the defeat of Florida Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson, truly a despicable figure and, as this NRCC ad puts it (H/T Redstate's Moe Lane), using his own words to make the case, a "national embarrassment": As Hot Air reports, even a liberal MSNBC interviewer had to call Grayson on the carpet for his outrageous attack ad against his Republican opponent Daniel Webster, an ad that took Webster's recorded comments out of context to make them sound like he said the exact opposite. Watch Grayson dissemble on the cable news program, and you'll soon join me in rejoicing at his coming defeat. And if you need a good laugh along the way, watch a good out-of-context … [Read more...]