Perhaps I’m making this post in more of a sleep-deprived than clear-thinking state, but can’t we just end the “daylight saving” twice-a-year-time-switch madness? My personal preference would me to put us on daylight saving time all year long, but you can make your voice heard on an online petition. There’s also a group on Facebook.
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Signed the petition for std time year-round and left my comments, as follows.
Could you elaborate on your proposal a bit, and also provide an easier means of contacting you than filling out this comment form?
Specifically, it looks like you propose putting current Pacific and Mountain zones permanently on mountain std time (UTC -7 hrs = Denver local mean time) and the current central & eastern zones on eastern std time (UTC – 5 hrs = Philadelphia LMT).
If so, many Hoosiers might like it because it would put us permanently back on the equivalent of central daylight time that so many Hoosiers enjoyed for so many years, with 45 minutes of sunlight shifted from am to pm year-round.
Bill Starr
Columbus, Indiana
Mon, 9 Mar 2009, 9:50 pm EDT
The way federal law is structured, we can elect to be on standard time all the time, or suffer the dance of fall and spring. We currently do not have the option of “year ’round daylight time.” The world has a system, Standard Time, and we best not deviate, lest we be like the Saudi kingdom.
Seriously, I would much prefer to be on Standard Time, but I think too much of our economy and defense is tied to being set to the rest of the world’s measure of time: NYSE, NATO, Air Traffic Control, and even global shipping depend on us playing by the same rules as the rest of the world.
Hey, are you also advocating a switch to the metric system? Do you believe we need to follow French foreign policy? Ok, just kidding. I could deal with being on Standard Time year-round, too. Just get rid of the time changes.