And I thought I was anal. (H/T Betsy's Page) Now if someone could help with the AP's whole ideologically-driven, selectively sloppy investigation problem. … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2009
Climate Change Fanatics Growing More Open about Anti-Liberty Agenda
Update, 10:15 AM: Good luck getting someone like Mr. Tidwell to confront the fallout from Climategate, including this revelation from one of the lead authors of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), who said: "The process is so flawed that the result is tantamount to fraud. As an authority, the IPCC should be consigned to the scrapheap without delay." In the wake of the telling Climategate revelations, it's very interesting to see the mask come off the fanatical climate change crowd. The Denver Post ran a Sunday opinion piece by Mike Tidwell of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network that ought to make your skin crawl. See what I mean -- Tidwell writes:Instead of continuing our faddish and counterproductive emphasis … [Read more...]
Memo to National GOP: Wake Up and FIGHT the Obama Care Travesty
Over at Red State, Erick Erickson outlines what Senate Republicans should be doing right now and in the coming days to slow down the anti-liberty Obama Care beast opposed by most Americans. Among many others, Erick makes this salient point:If the Republicans want the news media to cover what they are doing to educate the American people even further about the atrociousness of this bill, they have to create drama on the floor of the Senate. The national Republican party is flirting dangerously with proving itself an entirely ineffectual ally of liberty and limited government. If they can't fight the government health care takeover with all they have now, how can they be trusted in any meaningful way as fellow Guards of our future … [Read more...]
One More Reason to Oppose Latest Obama Care, Attend Code Red Rally
So you're not convinced that the new Harry Reid Senate health care "compromise" is bad news for your health care freedom and the nation's fiscal sanity? Need a reason to show up during lunchtime next Tuesday, December 15, at the Code Red Health Care rally in your city, and speak your mind to our U.S. Senators Mark Udall and Michael Bennet? How about the fact that, as Red State's Brian Faughnan reports, the "compromise" was crafted by none other than Howard Dean with the belief that it will strengthen bureaucracy and lead more people into single-payer government health care? Yeah, I thought that would wake you up -- if you're not already. Meanwhile, Michael Barone breaks down what it will take for the Democrats to cram through a bill … [Read more...]
Unified Behind the Notion that GOP Primaries and Unity CAN Co-Exist
Rocky Mountain Right brings our attention to an important story from another part of Colorado that sharply undermines one of the prevailing pieces of accepted wisdom among certain Republican elites in our state. From the Steamboat Pilot and Today, about the three-way Republican primary in Colorado's 3rd Congressional District:“You may not actually, for the most part, be able to slip a piece of paper between what any of us are going to be standing for, with the Republican candidates,” [state Rep. Scott] Tipton said last week. “I will not delineate differences between myself and them. … I’m not running against them, I’m running against John Salazar, and we’ll let the voters decide who should carry the banner.” [Bob] McConnell echoed that … [Read more...]
Of Capitalism and Safe Meat: Happy Meal Vouchers for Poor Students?
Ever the libertarian wit, Denver Post columnist David Harsanyi highlights some "lessons in capitalism" based on a new USA Today investigation that finds safer meat at your local fast-food restaurant than in the government's National School Lunch Program for poorer students. "Doesn’t the USDA care about the children?" Harsanyi asks with more than a hint of sarcasm. Seeing his thoughts in writing made me think: Perhaps we should be giving poorer students vouchers to buy Happy Meals for school lunches? I don't know about the value of such an idea as a practical policy prescription. However, the mere fact I'm bringing it up might make some heads spin in the USDA office on the floor below the Independence Institute where I work. Let's … [Read more...]
The New Health Care “Compromise” Doesn’t Improve on the “Public Option”
Update, 9:50 AM: The Patient Power Now blog presents more explanation why the new Harry Reid "compromise" is a bad deal. So the big news from Capitol Hill is that Democrat leaders in Congress have ditched the "public option" -- which means we can claim some small victory, right? WRONG. What's the matter with the Democrats' new "compromise" deal on so-called health care reform? Keep on reading.... … [Read more...]
CD-7 Update: McCain Backs Lang Sias; Ryan Frazier Calls out Ed Perlmutter
Two quick updates from the Republican primary campaign trail in Colorado's increasingly competitive 7th Congressional District. First, an unsurprising big-name endorsement for newcomer Lang Sias from U.S. Senator and 2008 GOP presidential nominee John McCain. I'm not sure how much that excites the Republican base locally. Meanwhile, Ryan Frazier -- who has managed to garner a much longer list of local endorsements -- sent out a challenge to sitting Democrat Rep. Ed Perlmutter on Harry Reid's outrageous public comments:“Congressman Perlmutter owes it to the citizens of the 7th Congressional District to repudiate the incredibly hurtful statements made by Democrat Harry Reid and his intentional distortion of history. “Let me be clear: … [Read more...]
Colorado 2010 State House Showdown: A Dozen Democrat Seats In Sight?
As promised, last week the state senate; this week the state house. Currently, the Democrats own the chamber by a 38-27 advantage. It's a fairly safe bet that the Republicans will have more representatives than 27 come 2011. But winning back the majority will be a tough challenge, so just how many can they win? All 65 seats are up every two-year cycle, and a lot of jockeying can still be expected to take place. Of current Republican-held seats, the only truly vulnerable one belongs to one-term incumbent Kevin Priola (HD 30, Adams County). On the other hand, based on voter registrations and incumbent strength, here are what I see as the dozen Democrat seats that are potential pick-ups -- as you'll see, some likelier than others: … [Read more...]
Seriously Rich Obama Irony: Closed Door Meeting on Open Government
I've pointed out before the lack of transparency in the Obama administration's Labor Department. But this new Associated Press story about so-called Obama transparency takes the cake with a new level of irony:It's hardly the image of transparency the Obama administration wants to project: A workshop on government openness is closed to the public. Political cartoonists are probably already putting pen to paper now to mock this amazing self-parody. Imagine the scene: Citizen: Hi, I've come for the meeting on open government. Is this the right place? Security guard: Where's your invitation? Citizen: I, uh... W-what? This is about open government, right? Security guard: Right. Which is why President Obama says it's too important to let … [Read more...]