For the first time in quite awhile, the Rocky Mountain Alliance has started to grow again. We have two new members who represent excellent additions. I invite you to check them out and add them to your regular blog reading (if you haven't already): The Business Word by Don Johnson has become a must-read for anyone seeking coverage of the unfolding major Republican primary races in Colorado, with great analysis and interviews Michelle Morin is a leader in the Teller County Tea Party movement Coalition for a Conservative Majority in Colorado Springs, and her site Mom 4 Freedom has been a leading Colorado-based voice in the fight against Obama Care and other proposed costly government intrusions into our freedom The Rocky Mountain … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2009
Talking to Former GOP Guv Candidate Josh Penry on Decision to Drop Out
This morning I had the opportunity to follow up on this week's Colorado political bombshell with the man at the center of the storm: state senate minority leader Josh Penry, of whom word leaked Monday that he had decided to withdraw from the Republican primary campaign for governor. As a personal supporter of Penry's candidacy and seeing evidence of his tremendous support among Colorado's grassroots Republicans, I was greatly shocked and disappointed. In fact, it's safe to say I'm still reeling from the revelation. Anyway, without further ado, here's a quick recap of my interview this morning (please note that the following is somewhat excerpted and a close paraphrase rather than a direct quote): … [Read more...]
Happy Veterans Day
Ninety-one years ago today "the war to end all wars" officially ended. Among the millions of dead were more than 100,000 brave American military servicemen out of hundreds of thousands who honorably served (including two of my great uncles: Bill DeGrow and John E. "Ed" DeGrow). In 1954 the commemoration, originally called Armistice Day, expanded to celebrate the service of all American veterans and became known as Veterans Day. Today I join with the millions of other Americans who honor the men and women who have worn the uniform for their sacrificial service on behalf of our nation. I am especially grateful this year to see so many businesses offering promotions that benefit our active duty personnel and veterans. It almost goes … [Read more...]
Take Advantage of Your Chance to Take the Free People Free Markets Class
Candidates and politicians let us down a lot. But the philosophical and economic principles that underlie personal liberty and free markets are universal and timeless. So help spread the word. Another Free People Free Markets class has been announced for two Saturdays: January 30 and February 13, 2010. They'll be here before you know it. If you haven't taken the class before, now is your opportunity. If you have, find a friend or loved one to sign up for the class. Sure, it costs $75. But it's well worth it. Maybe you can put it on your Christmas list, or do the same for someone else: … [Read more...]
Political Blackmail Behind Josh Penry Dropping Out of Guv’s Race?
PPC already has reported to my great disappointment and astonishment that Josh Penry has decided to withdraw from the Colorado governor's race. Penry's friend and former state representative Rob Witwer followed a few moments ago with a short statement:Josh did an outstanding job framing the debate and articulating the need for change. He raised the level of Republican campaigns in Colorado, and for that he deserves a huge amount of credit. He leaves behind a winning playbook that should help Scott McInnis achieve victory next November. But more to the story emerges from behind the scenes on this MSNBC report: … [Read more...]
Do We Still Celebrate the Berlin Wall’s Collapse 20 Years Later?
Twenty years ago today the Berlin Wall came down. Not exactly breaking news for my well-informed readers, but the significance of the event is hard to overstate. For five minutes of valuable reflection on the power of freedom with a stirring Beethoven soundtrack, check out this terrific video from the Competitive Enterprise Institute: … [Read more...]
Reminder: Call Congress Today to Oppose H.R. 3962 Obama Care
I was planning to post a notice today about the need to take action against the Pelosi version of Obama Care. And today is the time to do it! But being busy, I got permission to paste this email (with a couple slight tweaks) from a friend:Hello to all! If you want tax dollars funding abortions and for medical coverage to become less available, now is the time to do nothing! The house version of the health care "reform" bill will come up for a vote tomorrow (Saturday). … [Read more...]
How Long for Michael Bennet to Decide on Fed Reserve Transparency?
In a savvy political move that promotes a good, old-fashioned commonsense idea -- something very rare in the halls of Congress -- Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ken Buck has called on incumbent appointee Michael Bennet to join the bipartisan Congressional co-sponsorship of a very important transparency bill:In an e-mail to Bennet, Buck, a Republican candidate for the Senate seat Bennet currently holds, wrote that “auditing Federal Reserve operations isn't a political question. It's a simple matter of good government and financial responsibility.”... The Federal Reserve Sunshine Act would force the Fed to open its books to the Government Accountability Office. The bill has 30 Senate co-sponsors, and 309 representatives are co-sponsoring … [Read more...]
Remembering Grandpa Two Years Past the 100th Anniversary of His Birth
Two years ago today I posted a brief memoir in honor of what would have been my Grandpa's 100th birthday. It was uplifting to go back and re-read what I wrote then -- something that seldom happens with the many things I write here. I wouldn't change anything, except to add an update. Thanks to my brother's experimentation, I now have a recipe for popcorn that very nearly resembles Grandpa's very special, almost-world-famous concoction. In the past week I've made myself a few batches -- even ate one batch while watching one of the World Series games. Good memories of good times nearly brought to life. While I won't be undertaking another series on gratitude this November, I'm still thankful for the legacy of my grandparents. … [Read more...]
Scott McInnis’ No-Debate Strategy: “Party Unity for Me, But Not for Thee”
In a Denver Post column today, Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis justifies his decision not to engage in debates with his primary opponents Josh Penry and Dan Maes: "I will work diligently over the next year to ensure that our party is unified, and that we avoid past mistakes where Republicans wrote the Democrats' television commercials for them." So McInnis suggests not only that debates will inevitably lead to nasty personal infighting but also that party unity is his primary motivation for his no-debate strategy. However, was party unity his primary motivation: … [Read more...]