When you are in the bottom tier of candidates in the crowded primary field for Colorado's Republican U.S. Senate primary nomination, you have to do what you can to attract attention. Enter the physically fit and environmentally responsible grassroots candidate Luke Korkowski, who today announces: … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2009
Tilting the Field: NRSC Chairman’s Fundraisers Raise Jane Norton’s D.C. Money, Too
Update 2: NRSC responds again: "Your correction is incorrect. Neither of the folks you mention are NRSC fundraisers in any way. We do have a fundraising department but neither of the people you mention work for the NRSC or are contracted by us. Magda El-Tobgui raises money for Sen. Cornyn personal leadership PAC and she has a number of clients as well – but that’s all separate and apart from the NRSC." So the official organs of the NRSC are not connected to these fundraisers, but NRSC chairman John Cornyn is. You can decide how important the technical distinction is. I regret the error and again have updated the headline and text to reflect the greatest possible accuracy. The bottom line to me is clear: Jane Norton is the D.C. Republican … [Read more...]
Is Denver Post Trying to Help Clear the Field for Jane Norton, Too?
Five weeks ago the Sunday Denver Post editorial page featured a piece by columnist Vince Carroll that made short shrift of the U.S. Senate candidacies of Ryan Frazier and Ken Buck, while making the pitch for Bob Beauprez. The Post's management clearly was using its editorial heft to tout Beauprez as the GOP's great hope to defeat Ritter-appointed incumbent Michael Bennet. Well, two weeks later Bob Beauprez officially announced he was NOT tossing his hat in the ring. So now the Post is rolling out the red carpet for Jane Norton. Witness today's column by editorial page editor Dan Haley straining the bounds of credibility to tout Norton's virtues and dismiss her opponents. … [Read more...]
9/11 Plus 8
Update: Michael at Best Destiny and Rossputin share their separate recollections of 9/11/01 and where our nation is eight years later. Eight years ago today, with no substitute teaching job awaiting me, I slept in. My dad woke me. The TV was already on with scenes from the World Trade Center. The horror unfolded before my eyes. Minutes after I started watching the second plane hit the South Tower. Everything changed in a moment. It was a long day that grew into a long week. Looking back, I can only think: Never forget. Stand strong. Never falter. Never surrender. In that spirit the Colorado State University College Republicans are making a special commemoration today: … [Read more...]
Rasmussen: Michael Bennet Vulnerable, Running Even with Ryan Frazier
On the eve of Jane Norton's official entry into Colorado's U.S. Senate fray comes from Rasmussen Reports what figures to be the last poll of the race without her for awhile. In this survey, the top two early Republican contenders were paired up separately against Bill Ritter's incumbent appointee Michael Bennet. The biggest clear takeaway from Rasmussen? Whether attributable to an unfriendly climate for Democrats, to his own lackluster performance, or to both -- the indecisive Bennet is vulnerable. Other insights? The ascendant but still little-known Ryan Frazier fares better than Ken Buck, standing even with the Democrat:The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds Bennet ahead of Buck 43% to 37%. With Frazier as the … [Read more...]
Health Czar Video
The Sam Adams Alliance presents a lighter look at the rough life of a government health czar and the new Moolah for Medicine program. I think you'll find it four minutes well spent -- I can tell you the cute and feisty Baby Virtus sure got a kick out of watching this video: … [Read more...]
Once Proud Freedom-Loving Gazette Backs Colorado Springs Tax Hike
Last week I pointed out that financial concerns might end up pushing the Colorado Springs Gazette to abandon its longstanding position as a beacon of limited government, personal liberty, and fiscal sanity. Well, buckle up, because it's started happening really quickly. Witness today's Gazette editorial co-signed by publisher Steven Pope and John Weiss, publisher of the Lefty Colorado Springs Independent, pulling out the big scare to support a tax hike on the city's ballot. However, it's not clear the new Gazette management has considered all of the implications of the property tax increase (H/T Sean Paige). If the Gazette losing its independent, libertarian voice concerns you in the least, now is the time to speak up. … [Read more...]
Official Jane Norton for U.S. Senate Announcement to Come Tuesday AM
Update, 9/11: About 24 hours later, the Denver Post catches up -- but does offer some more detail about Norton's first day of scheduled appearances. Let the campaign good times roll.... Not that this news will shatter any earth, but you can say you read it here first: Jane Norton is making her candidacy official next Tuesday morning, September 15, with a 9 AM appearance in the Denver Tech Center followed by an 11 AM appearance in Colorado Springs. To little surprise, the "exploratory" phase of the campaign appears to be a brief formality. A cynic might conclude that Norton wanted to publicize her announcement while the September 2009 Survey of Colorado's Political Temperature was still open (as of 2:30 this afternoon, there have … [Read more...]
Liberty on the Rocks, Meet NPR: Response to Obama Care Speech
Over at Free Colorado, Ari Armstrong highlights the prominent role played by members of a local Liberty on the Rocks chapter in today's NPR Morning Edition story (complete with audio). Three LOTR members in particular responded to Obama's speech last night on health care reform to a joint session of Congress. Quotes below... … [Read more...]
Another Case of Jane Norton Deja Vu?
Yesterday the official news finally rolled out that Jane Norton is getting into the U.S. Senate race. Today one case of deja vu follows another. Norton of course is most well-known for running on the 2002 Bill Owens statewide ticket and serving as lieutenant governor during his second term. So (thanks to an astute reader who brought it to my attention) I guess this similarity is more than just a mere coincidence: … [Read more...]