Last night I kindly berated national talk show host Hugh Hewitt for his ignorance pertaining to Colorado Republican politics. Apparently, he's in our state today and has an opportunity to listen, learn, and change his ways. One guest who is scheduled to appear on his show this afternoon (sometime between 4 and 6 PM on 710 KNUS) is Matt Arnold to promote his important project Clear the Bench Colorado. Go here to find out more about Matt's radio appearance and the cause you should consider supporting. … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2009
Colorado Political Temperature Survey Results to be Unveiled Monday
Thank you to everyone who participated in our September survey of Colorado's political temperature. We had 500 people take the survey -- down somewhat from last time, but still a very strong showing. We appreciate it very much. Some already have started to ask about the release of the results, so let me share the (tentative) plan. Here goes: Over the weekend we will compile and organize the top-line results for public display, and I will post them here first thing Monday morning. This should include how the candidates fared (and compared to the July survey), as well as which issue statements received the strongest expressions of agreement or disagreement We have outsourced some cross-tab analysis to see how support with some … [Read more...]
Hugh Hewitt, Meet Josh Penry
First, it was Michigan-Ohio State football. Then it was the whole litany of Cleveland sports. The near-weekly disembarkation into the world of popular and classic movies. Of late, national radio host Hugh Hewitt has shown another entire topic about which he would be better served staying silent as opposed to demonstrating his ignorance: I speak of Colorado politics. Memo to Hugh -- Get away from the coasts, get out of the Beltway and the smog, and visit Rocky Mountain flyover country again. In the meantime, read up on Josh Penry, and watch this national video clip from Fox News: … [Read more...]
Obama Care Update: Jared Polis Hedging His Bets on Medical Tourism?
Update: Tying the knot complete on this post, Jared Polis (along with fellow Colorado Democrat Diana Degette) was one of the 75 members of the U.S. House who voted today against ending taxpayer funding of ACORN. Based on original research, Complete Colorado's Todd Shepherd brings forward some interesting insights on Boulder Democrat Congressman Jared Polis' personal financial stake in the "medical tourism" industry and his strong political support for increased government intervention in the health insurance market:But here's the rub: Jared Polis has made a long-term bet on the worldwide success of health care markets that have less regulation rather than more. Draw any conclusion you like, but there is no escaping the fact that … [Read more...]
Thank YOU, Ernie Harwell
I'll admit it. I'm a fool for baseball. And one of the greatest reasons I love the game so much walked out onto the field at Comerica Park this evening -- Ernie Harwell, 91 years young, diagnosed with terminal cancer, but as optimistic and gracious and gentlemanly as ever -- to say thank you:"It's a wonderful night for me," Harwell said. "I really feel lucky to be here, and I want to thank you for that warm welcome. I want to express my deep appreciation to Mike Ilitch, Dave Dombrowski and the Tigers for that video salute and also for the many great things they've done for me and my family throughout my career here with the Tigers. "In my almost 92 years on this Earth, the good Lord has blessed me with a great journey, and the blessed … [Read more...]
Ending Federal Funding of ACORN is Cause We Should All Rally Around
Wednesday Quick Hit: On some issues there's plenty of room for debate and disagreement, but it seems to me that terminating federal taxpayer funding of ACORN is a cause we all should be able to rally around. … [Read more...]
Don’t Delay, Deadline Nears on Survey of Colorado’s Political Temperature
Don't delay -- if you haven't done so already, you have less than 2 days to take the survey of Colorado's political temperature. Join the more than 400 others who have already expressed their views on political issues and candidates of the day: Click here to take the September 2009 Colorado online political survey Your opinion counts. Take a few moments to make it happen. Not only show your support for candidates, but also let us know where you stand on key issues and give us some honest prognostication about the 2010 elections. The survey won't be there forever, only until tomorrow, September 17, 5 PM local Mountain time ... Thanks for participating! Go here for more information. … [Read more...]
A Tale of Two Republican Senate Campaign Videos: Who Inspires You?
Jane Norton launched her U.S. Senate campaign today, and with it this video: The video speaks for itself, but I'm hoping my readers will compare it with another video. … [Read more...]
5280, Meet Denver Post (and PPC, Too)
Trying to build on Lefty hitman David Sirota's smear that the anti-Obama Care movement is characterized by "racist undertones" leading to rampant death threats, the 5280 blog recounts:He isn’t the only public figure in Colorado to be threatened for digging into the intricacies of the health care debate. Last month, Congressman John Salazar received a death threat during a protest in Grand Junction, leading his office to contact Capitol police and the FBI, according to The Pueblo Chieftain. Umm, does 5280 not read the Denver Post? … [Read more...]
R.I.P. Patrick Swayze, Defender of Colorado from the Red Army Invasion
News came down this evening that Patrick Swayze succumbed to his battle with pancreatic cancer and died at the age of 57. We Coloradans especially can be grateful for his heroic vigilante service in the early years of World War Three. The 30-something high schooler and his brave band just may have provided the morale needed to ultimately turn the tide in our favor. Then again, the Red Army's decision to dedicate so much resources to taking over a rural town and school may have factored in somewhere as well: … [Read more...]