Regular readers of this blog know I'm no fan of Mike Huckabee. If you need a refresher: Huckabee surge is bad news for serious, coherent conservatives Why not Huckabee? The slime Colorado GOP should heed Kafer and Hillman, not Parker and Huckabee Today, Dr. Jay Greene brought my attention to a story from Arkansas that further highlights the problem. Mike Huckabee's populist themes, identity politics, and underhanded tactics are complemented by his dedication to old-fashioned Southern cronyism. Conservatism and the movement it represents appear to be little more than tools in Huckabee's political toolbox. Or, as Jay Greene puts it:The Huck’s indifference to ideas and obsession with building his personal political network, make … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2008
Stevens, Jefferson Down: Very Small but Promising Signs of Health
First, corrupt Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was narrowly taken out in his umpteenth re-election bid. More recently, corrupt Louisiana Rep. William Jefferson was ousted in Saturday's run-off election. Let me say these are both very small but genuinely promising signs for the health of the Republic - as it were. A first-generation Vietnamese-American lawyer and political novice, Republican Anh "Joseph" Cao, defeated lifetime pol and Democrat incumbent Jefferson in a heavily Democratic district. Michelle Malkin has more. Cheery thoughts for a Monday in December, in which the world of politics further drifts into the background, though hopefully not beneath too much snow here on Colorado's Front Range. … [Read more...]
What I Want to See for the United States, Conservatism, and the GOP
Looking ahead to 2010 and beyond, this is what I want to see in the United States of America: A biblical, spiritual revival ... something for which I pray to God The revitalization of conservatism (a shared value in the Founders' "constrained vision") in American public life ... something of which I seek to persuade others A Republican Party more informed by conservative, limited government principles ... also something of which I seek to persuade others A governing Republican Party majority ...something for which I volunteer and vote Where incompatibilities between the above priorities can be proven with a reasonable degree of likelihood, the higher priority wins. (And no, I can't think of any situation where voting for or … [Read more...]
Obama Voters, CNN and Network TV Viewers More Poorly Informed
John Ziegler is to be commended for his post-election polling work. At first we learned how ridiculously ill-informed Obama voters were, leading us to some conclusions about how Obama got elected. Ziegler took upon himself a challenge that the misguided critics on the Left - who (all too predictably) attacked the questioners rather than deal with the substance of the findings - would not do. He commissioned a second poll with even more telling results (H/T Granite Grok): … [Read more...]
GOP Leader Mark Hillman Speaks Reason to the Conservative Coalition
Former Republican legislative leader Mark Hillman once again shows why he deserves a leading position in Colorado's GOP, by speaking reason to the conservative coalition. It's a must-read from beginning to end, but here's the key thought:If the goal is winning elections, rather than purging membership rolls at the country club, throwing social conservatives under the bus is a catastrophically bad idea. … [Read more...]
Questions Linger as Colorado Supremes Sit on Ritter Tax Hike Decision
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and Governor Bill Ritter are defendants in a case filed by the Independence Institute (disclosure: where I work) and numerous aggrieved taxpayers over a 2007 law that raised property taxes without a proper vote of the people, as required by the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. Denver District Court Judge Christine Habas came down on the side of the people nearly seven months ago, but the Colorado Supreme Court has been silent since - despite reasonable expectations that critical tax revenue issues be addressed in a timely manner. As Face The State reports, CDE needs the Supreme Court to "hurry up":In June, Ritter, a defendant alongside CDE, appealed the decision to the state's highest court. Oral … [Read more...]
Finding the Common Ties that Bind the Conservative Movement
The Next Right has posted a thoughtful essay that seeks to put the current intra-conservative debates into perspective. The whole thing is a worthwhile read, but the conclusion especially is interesting:Conservatives, thankfully, are nowhere near as afflicted by tunnel-vision, as the current debates on the Right show. However, it is essential that, being conservative, we remember that these debates were not settled in 1964 or 1980 and are not going to be settled in 2008, 2012 or any other year. These debates are timeless elements of the American conservative tradition, and will probably never be resolved completely. However, another timeless element which we must also be careful not to forget is the fact that these debates have always ended … [Read more...]
Public Service Message for Colorado Education Association Members
Via, here's a 2-minute video with a local teacher friend of mine explaining how members of the Colorado Education Association can get a refund of their political money before December 15: CEA has given hundreds of thousands in political contributions to Democrat candidates and Left-leaning causes. The teachers who think that's okay have nothing to worry about. The teachers who disagree may be interested in the refund process. … [Read more...]
Blog Talk Radio Links
The following are links to odds and ends I mentioned this evening as co-host of the Rocky Mountain Alliance Blog Talk Radio show: Neal Gabler's ironic Los Angeles Times column on Joe McCarthy and the American conservative movement: a true "triumph of the American imagination" Historian Arthur Herman's sage insights into lessons America should take from the grim Islamist terrorist attacks last week in India Chicago Tribune editorial from 2006 justifying jeers for U.S. Senator Dick Durbin's attempt to secure a pardon for corrupt former Republican Gov. George Ryan - in particular, the tragic but inspiring story of the Willis family - featured in the Tribune editorial - is worth a read And, of course, thanks to guest Todd Bensman - check … [Read more...]
3rd Edition of Rocky Mountain Alliance Blog Talk Radio Tonight at 9 PM
Tune in at 9 PM local Mountain Time this evening for the third edition of Rocky Mountain Alliance Blog Talk Radio. Confirmed hosts are Joshua Sharf and yours truly, with the guest tentatively scheduled as Todd Bensman of the San Antonio Express-News, author of the well-acclaimed series "Breaching America: Examining Illegal Immigration from the Muslim World". Bensman's observations on the recent vicious Islamist terrorist attacks in India should be very interesting to hear. Tune in tonight for the introduction of some new segments, to hear Todd Bensman, and to find out if any other Rocky Mountain Alliance blogger joins us as co-host. And don't forget. If you miss the live broadcast of tonight’s show, you can go back and download … [Read more...]