During this past week, I renewed my determination to make a conscious effort this yuletide season to keep Christ & Christmas as prominent as possible. I don't want to get caught in the trap of the bland, insipid, politically correct "Happy Holidays" & "Seasons Greetings". Won't you of like faith join me in the simple task of wishing store clerks, wait staff, and other strangers you meet a clear, kind, and bold "Merry Christmas"? Along these lines, I spotted a couple stories this morning that I wanted to share. Apparently, government agencies are starting to get it better than many of the corporate retailers who profit so handsomely this time of year? Three cheers to the Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert - for whom there has been little … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2005
Food for Grateful Thought
President Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation (October 20, 1864): It has pleased Almighty God to prolong our national life another year, defending us with his guardian care against unfriendly designs from abroad, and vouchsafing to us in His mercy many and signal victories over the enemy, who is of our own household. It has also pleased our Heavenly Father to favor as well our citizens in their homes as our soldiers in their campus, and our sailors on the rivers and seas, with unusual health. He has largely augmented our free population by emancipation and by immigration, while he has opened to us new sources of wealth, and has crowned the labor of our workingmen in every department of industry with abundant rewards. Moreover, he … [Read more...]
The NEA’s New Proletariat Lunch Program
Courtesy of the Education Intelligence Agency, revelations about an enclave of Communists gathering for regular lunch meetings inside the headquarters of the nation's largest teachers union. That National Education Association (NEA) cafeteria sure caters to a diverse crowd. With the introduction of its new "Proletariat Lunch Program," NEA may be looking to expand its aggressive lobbying efforts. Or maybe union officials are just endearing themselves to the ideological confreres of their most diehard activists. Check out this week's Communique for background, relevant links, and some "biting" satire in the form of the "Cafeteria Manifesto." If nothing else, maybe it will whet your appetite for this week's Thanksgiving feast. … [Read more...]
Book Review: Clarity and Backbone for a Forgotten Resolution
Paul Coughlin, No More Christian Nice Guy: When Being Nice - Instead of Good - Hurts Men, Women, and Children, (Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 2005). 224 pages. Foreword by Dr. Laura Schlessinger When I was not too much younger, I made the same half-hearted New Year's resolution for several years running: "No more Mister Nice Guy." Certain friends balked at the expression, not sure they wanted to see one of my few favorable qualities evaporate. They always got their wish, as the resolution typically died about January 3. I have to say I didn't know quite what I was looking for until I forged my way through a new book recently. Packed with potent medicine for the timid male of faith, Paul Coughlin's No More Christian Nice Guy … [Read more...]
“Oh how we hate Ohio State”
On this day before the ultimate rivalry in sports, many thanks to Bob Wojnowski of the Detroit News for for his sociological analysis of Buckeye fans. All true sons of Michigan could read such passages as the following with a mixture of pride, delight, and amusement: I'm here to study the Buckeyes, not denigrate them. Remember, this whole Michigan-Ohio battle started way back in 1835 when the states actually fought over Toledo, true story. Ohio won but took Toledo anyhow. In exchange, Michigan got the Upper Peninsula, Charles Woodson, Desmond Howard and four free passes to Cedar Point. It's really not surprising that so many Ohio youngsters, such as Heisman Trophy winners Woodson and Howard, dream of coming to Michigan. This year's … [Read more...]
Political Gold
There's a winning political issue waiting out there for Colorado's 2006 elections. Supporters of First Class Education have released the results of a nationwide survey by Harris Interactive, Inc., showing broad and deep support for their proposal to increase the percentage of K-12 education dollars spent in the classroom. The "65 percent solution" is headed for the ballot in Colorado in 2006. Candidates running for office might consider the following poll results: 79% of respondents would vote in favor of the "65 percent solution," including 56% responding "definitely for" and 23% "probably for," with only 17% against Support cut evenly in a few interesting demographics: Political party (81% for Democrats, 78% for Republicans, 77% … [Read more...]
Well, I’m certainly not a Hobbit…
Rohirrim To which race of Middle Earth do you belong? brought to you by Quizilla Hat tip to Hugh … [Read more...]
Hugh in Hillsdale
Hugh Hewitt, self-ascribed "Warden of the Collegiate Peaks," is on the campus of my alma mater today to take part in a Center for Constructive Alternatives (CCA) Seminar on the "News Media Today." Hugh is scheduled to speak tomorrow evening on "The Political Significance of the Blogosphere." Other speakers include Brent Bozell, Nat Hentoff, P.J. O'Rourke, David Brooks, Joseph Epstein, and Bill Sammon. Were I a student at the Hills & Dales today, this would probably be a CCA in which I would enroll. Maybe this book will be required reading for the course. Two Hillsdale posts in a row... phew! They will have to suffice for now, as a book review and important political announcement both loom on the horizon. … [Read more...]
18-Year-Old Mayor
As a graduate of Hillsdale College, the one-time co-host of a weekly sports talk show on farm radio WCSR, and former sports editor of the Hillsdale Daily News, I was highly amused to read this story in today's Detroit News: Michael Sessions' political career had an inauspicious start: When he ran for student council this year, he lost. Now he's about to be mayor. Sessions, an 18-year-old high school student, won a long-shot write-in campaign this week to oust Hillsdale's 51-year-old mayor. "I just thought I'd give it a shot," Sessions said with a smile. "I hoped I'd win. But I didn't really know what would happen." Driving into the tiny Southern Michigan county seat from almost any direction, you'll encounter a sign that … [Read more...]
Work in Progress
As you can see, the site has undergone some cosmetic change. It is a work in progress, with a new theme and revised template soon to come. Thanks for your patience, and as always, keep reading the work of the Rocky Mountain Alliance of Blogs. The site should look very different again soon. … [Read more...]