The Rocky Mountain News today provides the most systematic deconstruction of the grossly misleading, multi-million dollar Protect Colorado's Future campaign against 49:There's no obligation for political campaigns to be fair, let alone balanced, but there are times when messages go beyond the pale. Case in point: the advertising, largely bankrolled by labor unions, to defeat Amendment 49, the "ethical standards" initiative. Muzzle workers and endanger public safety? "In what way? The amendment doesn't say unions can't collect dues. It just says government can't collect dues for them." Threaten public employees' paychecks? "Nonsense." Silence small business? "Bizarre." Backed by multinational corporations? "What a joke." Or as … [Read more...]
More Lies Attacking Colorado’s Amendment 47, Amendment 54
Face The State has a great story on a forum hosted by Lefty non-profit groups to "educate" about various initiatives on Colorado's fall ballot. As reported, a spokesman for the well-heeled group Protect Colorado's Future lied directly to the audience about two initiatives his group opposes. First, he deceived attendees about the effects of Amendment 47, the Right-to-Work initiative:“In places where they’ve been successful in passing these laws in other states, there is data that has shown workers make about $5,000 less per year and infant mortality is actually 21 percent higher,†said [spokesman Daniel] Klawitter on Amendment 47, the right-to-work measure. But Kelley Harp, spokesman for the Amendment 47 campaign, questioned … [Read more...]
Colorado Education Association Reports Zero Dollars Spent on Politics?
The Colorado Supreme Court may have given the Colorado Education Association (CEA) a pass from the state's electioneering laws, but the Landmark Legal Foundation has taken the same evidence to file a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service that the union violated its tax-exempt status. In other words, CEA spent members' general dues money on union employees to coordinate political campaigns but reported zero dollars spent on politics to the IRS. Listen to Landmark's Pete Hutchison tell the story on this newly-released iVoices podcast. … [Read more...]