Every day is seeking to rise to the challenge, 'neath the shadow of the mighty Rockies.

Holiday Driving With Family: Opportunities for Bonding and Learning
During the holidays, you could end up doing more driving than usual. You’ll likely be visiting family and friends you haven’t seen in a while who live a bit of a drive away. On the other hand, maybe you’ve planned a family vacation out of state and are going to need to drive thousands of miles to get there. Long car rides can be tedious for both the driver and the passengers. If you have kids, especially, you may want to keep the complaints to a minimum and keep them engaged. Long car rides can create opportunities for learning more about yourselves and one another. Continue reading to discover opportunities for bonding and learning during long holiday drives. Improve Your Driving No matter how many years … [Read more...]

How to Live With an Aging Veteran During the Holidays
Are you going to invite a hero to your home this holiday season? If you are lucky enough to have an older veteran in your family, you should definitely have them over to join in your holiday festivities. In addition to sharing the love you have for your relatives, a veteran can also teach your family many valuable lessons about love, strength, and dedication. Some families may feel that they are not equipped to handle an older family member in their home, but the fact is that entertaining a loved one can brighten the season in many ways. Heed these tips and make the holiday a joyous experience for everyone. Home for the Holidays (or Longer) One of the main reasons you should bring your aging relatives home for the holidays is that … [Read more...]

How To Cope When Your Child Is Diagnosed With a Chronic Illness
As a parent, your first instinct is to protect your child and keep him safe, so it’s particularly challenging when you find yourself in a situation where you can’t do that. Medical diagnoses can be frustrating and frightening, and when you learn your child has been diagnosed with a chronic illness, you may feel helpless, confused, and overwhelmed. Chronic illnesses, which are diseases that last for at least three months at a time, can limit a child’s normal activities. These illnesses, which include diabetes, depression, and heart disease, can be life-changing. They often require significant medical treatment, which can mean multiple doctor’s appointments or frequent hospital visits. You may feel upset for your child after a diagnosis … [Read more...]

Helping Children Cope with Divorce
When you become a parent, your children become your world. You want to shield them from every danger, every hurt. You want them to have only the best things in life. You want to give them a world of joy. But what if the one thing you can’t give them is the one thing they may want most in this world — a happy home? Divorce is never to be entered into lightly. Marriage is a covenant, one not easily broken. Sometimes, however, no matter how hard you try, it just can’t work out. Some rifts simply cannot be mended. How do you help your children to understand that sometimes it is better to find peace apart than war together? How do you help them mend? How do you return them to the joy they deserve? When It’s Over, Let It Be … [Read more...]

How to Prepare Your Home for the Holiday Season
The holidays are just around the corner, and while that means a lot of merry-making and fun, it’s also a time to get your home in top shape! Chances are, you’ll have guests coming over at some point. Whether you’re hosting a party, a family get-together, or you just want your home to feel “cozy” for your family, it’s important to be prepared. The weather is also a factor in holiday home preparation. You’ll want to make sure your house is safe from the elements and that your guests don’t have to worry about slipping on ice or getting stuck in the snow in your driveway. So, how can you really prep your home for the holidays? First thing’s first: Create a simple budget of your needs and wants, and stick to it. From there, you … [Read more...]

Sports Participation in Rural America is Declining: Here’s Why
In many towns in rural America, the Friday night lights of local football fields shine over empty fields, due to a significant and growing decline in sports participation. To put it into perspective, in the year 1983, 355 Nebraska high schools had football programs. Fast forward to 2013, and only 282 programs remained. The problem is exacerbated every year, as participation numbers continue to decline. Socioeconomic concerns, fear of injury, and a lack of available, qualified, and willing coaches seem to be sources of the problem. This is concerning for a number of reasons, as school athletics have a number of significant benefits to students. For one, regular physical activity has been scientifically proven to lower the likelihood of … [Read more...]

How to Stay Fit While Traveling
Image Source: Pixabay If you’re going out of town for a vacation, a business trip, or personal reasons, you may be worried about sticking to your exercise routine. While not being able to stick to your regular schedule might feel stressful, it can be a hidden opportunity to get creative and try some new exercises. With the right mindset and a little planning, you can stay fit even as you travel. Road Trip Fitness For some, road trips provide time to yourself to listen to music and focus on nothing but the road and your company for a few hours. For others, road trips are simply an unavoidable, stressful endeavor to get from point A to point B. Regardless, the long amounts of sitting accompanied by junk food snacks from the gas … [Read more...]
Career Building to Achieve Life Goals
Source: Pixabay A lot of people find themselves looking around and asking, “Is this all there is?” While surveys show that 54% of Americans are “satisfied” with their jobs, there’s a lot more to life than just being satisfied. What about being fulfilled? Happy? Full of meaning and purpose? The good news is that no matter where you are in your career, you can build your personal brand toward achieving meaningful life goals. All it takes is some planning, patience, and adaptability. Here are some tips to get you moving forward. Assess Your Current Situation As you look for ways to grow and improve, the first thing to understand is whether your current job gives you a path forward. Some jobs are simply dead-end positions. … [Read more...]

Ways to Improve Your Mental and Physical Health Simultaneously
Image Source: Unsplash In today’s world, there is no shortage of stress factors. Between career pressure and family responsibilities, it’s understandable why people from all walks of life struggle to find an optimal work-life balance. Challenges in your professional and personal life can detract from both your mental and physical health. Even if it seems as though you can’t spare a moment for yourself — what with all the directions life is pulling you in — there are a few simple life choices you can make to improve your mental and physical health simultaneously. Fortunately, better overall health doesn’t necessarily require a complete overhaul. Small adjustments can have a big impact. To start bettering your mental and … [Read more...]
How Cybersecurity Affects International Business
Image Source: Pixabay As the world becomes more connected, business is no longer bound by physical borders. So much of today’s business is conducted online, and while this connectivity has given rise to many new opportunities, it has also brought along unprecedented threats. One such threat is the increased possibility of cyberattacks. Studies show that few nations feel like they are protected from cyberthreats and have the capabilities to formidably respond to attacks. As stated in an article by Maryville University, a whopping 83% of the 3,400 ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) members across 129 countries agree that cyberattacks are in the top three threats businesses face today. The … [Read more...]
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