Every day is seeking to rise to the challenge, 'neath the shadow of the mighty Rockies.

AI-Enhanced Cyberbullying: The Dark Side of Teen Innovation
AI technologies are reshaping every aspect of society, including the darker side of online behavior. More than ever, it is crucial to recognize how AI tools are being abused in ways that go beyond traditional cyberbullying. From deepfakes that have the ability to distort reality, to pure AI-generated content that spreads misinformation, teenagers are now wielding Thor-like power to harm their peers. This isn't just an evolution of bullying; some say it’s a psychological game that parents may not yet fully comprehend. Understanding Cyberbullying in 2024: How Technology Has Evolved Cyberbullying has always been a constant threat to teenagers, but in 2024, the game has changed. What started as online harassment or even cruel messages has … [Read more...]

My Baker’s Dozen of Top 2023 Reads
Another year is very nearly in the books, so to say, which means it's time to reflect on the assortment of tomes I've read over the past 52 weeks. I was pleased to ever-so-slightly surpass my Goodreads goal of reading 45 books in 2023. Looking back over the list, I couldn't settle on an individual favorite or rank the top 3 or 4. Instead, honors for 13 different books I most enjoyed are spelled out below (arranged in the order I read them): Here's to happy reading in 2024! … [Read more...]

Common Learning Disabilities in Children
When a new school year starts, many parents jump for joy over the fact that summer ends and their children go back to the classroom. But some other parents experience feelings of trepidation. For them, the school year can be a struggle because their kids have learning disabilities. In the United States there are over four million children who have one or more learning disorders, and almost three million of them take part in special education services at their school. These valuable services help kids who feel overwhelmed in a regular classroom by implementing specialized teaching methods that not only help them learn successfully but also boost their self-esteem. When children are young and just starting school, it’s not always easy … [Read more...]

Tips to Teach Kids to Set and Achieve Goals
Kids are naturally goal-oriented. When they see or discover something they want, they'll often do all that they can to get it. Whether it's reaching for a distant cookie jar to filch a secret snack, pining away for a specific toy, or wishing that they could read to themselves, kids have an inherent knack for wanting and doggedly pursuing things. However, their early goal-setting skills are impulse-driven and ill-defined. One large part of teaching kids how to establish and achieve goals is instructing them to hone their focus. Surprisingly, when goal-setting lessons are effective, increased focus is also one of the many benefits that children enjoy. Following are seven helpful tips for teaching your kids how to aim high and achieve what … [Read more...]

The Christmas Music Countdown You’ve Been Looking For: 2022 Edition
Every year's version of the Christmas music countdown (featuring an ordered assortment of my favorite Holiday listening) gets that much better. The 2022 edition includes a wide variety of 200 sacred, secular and sentimental songs for your enjoyment, including several new selections and new covers of perennial favorites. You can access the main countdown on YouTube or a slightly different version on Spotify. Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Dose of Musical Enjoyment! … [Read more...]

Sleep Deprivation and Parental Controls: How to Ensure Your Kids are Safe from Media Exposure
Living in a world where we have so much content available to stream provides no end of excitement. Families have their choice of content to watch, and the possibilities are limitless. However, there are a few downsides, with sleeplessness being one of them. Being sleep-deprived leads to health problems, as well as poor academic performance. However, parental controls help you control how much screen time kids get daily. Read on to learn more about sleeplessness and how parental controls can be a significant preventative. Sleeplessness and its effects Sleeplessness or sleep deprivation is when a person receives an insufficient amount of sleep every night. Most adults require at least seven hours a night for optimal … [Read more...]

8 Original Ways To Leverage Influencer Marketing
Although influencer marketing is not a new concept, it appears to be evolving faster than other kinds of marketing and promotion. As more artists join the market with the intention of becoming paid influencers, wise brands and the agencies with whom they collaborate understand that effectively collaborating with an influencer requires more than simply a huge number of followers. This year, the influencer market is projected to expand to a whopping $16.4 billion industry. The idea is to use the organic influence of the appropriate individuals to build deeper interaction between their followers and your company, and a plethora of variables will influence your strategy. What Is Influencer Marketing? Influencer marketing is a … [Read more...]

Why Every Single Business Needs A YouTube Channel
by Jen Ongkit One of the most important aspects of any business strategy today is having a social media presence. What if you could show your brand in front of thousands or even millions of people every day? Yes, correct - through YouTube. Business owners have been struggling with the question of "should I have a Youtube channel?" for years. YouTube is a platform that can be used by any business, no matter the size. The only thing you need to get started is a secure Google login, then upload your video content. With YouTube, businesses can reach an audience they would never have been able to otherwise with little effort on their part. It's simple: if your business doesn't have a YouTube channel (yet), it needs one. Why? Keep … [Read more...]

Top Books I Read in 2020
Now that we've moved into 2021, most of us aren't interested in looking back on the year that was. But having completed my Goodreads goal of 40 books read in 2020, as of about 10:00 PM on New Year's Eve, I wanted to take a moment and highlight the best and most influential selections. In alphabetical order, by author: 1. American Carnage: On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump by Tim Alberta. Eye-opening and troubling, for those who want an insider's view of how the GOP went from Tea Party to Trump. 2. The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis by Leon Kass. I've read the first book of the Bible many times before, but left with new insights, especially on Adam and Eve, and brothers Judah and Joseph. 3. … [Read more...]

The All-New Christmas Music Countdown: Bigger, Better and Brighter Than Ever
It's been a few years since I've posted the annual updated list of my favorite Christmas songs here on the blog. But given the bleakness of 2020, and the epic makeover to the list, the time has come once again. So without further ado, click on Bing's picture below to get access to all 180 songs: Agree or disagree (more likely) with my rankings, that's a lot of Christmas musical selections. Makes those Top 50 lists of yesteryear seem kind of quaint. … [Read more...]
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