Sick of the Winter Olympics? Looking for something to do? Here’s a show you should tune into tonight (and not just because two of my liberty-loving friends are on it):
Studio 12 “Tea Party Movement”
Wednesday, February 17 at 8:00 pm on Channel 12 / 12.1
Host Tamara Banks explores what’s brewing with the emerging Tea Party movement. Is this a growing political party or just a group of angry citizens who are fed up with the government? And what effect will the tea party have November’s big election? Those questions and viewer phone calls on the next STUDIO 12.
- Dr. B. Leland Baker Author of Tea Party Revival: The Conscious of a Conservation Reborn
- Judson Phillips Founder and President of Tea Party Nation
- Ross Kaminsky Libertarian-leaning blogger on
- Don Christenson Evergreen/Conifer Tea Party organizer
- Amanda Teresi President & Co-founder of Liberty on the Rocks, a pro-liberty coalition of twenty-somethings
If you watch live, you can participate in the program and share your views on the Tea Party movement by dialing 303-296-1253. Otherwise, set your DVR. Then, once you’re done feeding your secret love for figure skating, you can go back and watch tonight’s Studio 12 to get up-to-date.
I will be watching, but maybe a little late if my “Caucus” conference call goes long.
Jack Ott