Update, 3/2: Good news: HB 1248 is dead as a doornail. Three Democrats — Daniel Kagan, Su Ryden, and Sal Pace — crossed the aisle to help Republicans vote down the bill.
Update, 1:15 PM: Walter in Denver effectively takes down HB 1248 — a bad bill for Colorado’s small business women — here and here.
This one may be a bit off topic for me, but it does have to do with potential overreach by the Colorado state legislature. It strikes home because the lovely Mrs. Virtus sells Mary Kay products as a business to supplement our household income.
Representative Dianne Primavera’s House Bill 1248, scheduled to be heard by the House Judiciary Committee this afternoon, is an overreach that would have unnecessary negative effects on small businesses in our state. A lot more detail is available on The Winged Seed blog, which agrees it’s time to nip the bill in the bud.
If you are so inclined to follow her lead, the lovely Mrs. Virtus sent an email to members of the House Judiciary Committee on Friday (email addresses of the committee members are posted below):
Subject: Please vote NO on HB 1248
To: claire.levy.house@state.co.us, beth.mccann.house@state.co.us, lois.court.house@state.co.us, bob.gardner.house@state.co.us, repkagan@gmail.com, steve.king.house@state.co.us, joe@joemiklosi.com, rep.nikkel@gmail.com, sal.pace.house@state.co.us, su.ryden.house@state.co.us, mark.waller.house@state.co.us
I write to ask that you oppose House Bill 1248, the “Colorado Safe Personal Care Products Act,” for the following reasons:
1. The bill language is overly broad and would ban many naturally occurring substances that are not toxic in the amounts placed in personal care products.
2. The bill would hurt small businesses and manufacturing in Colorado.
3. There are already protections in place by the FDA to regulate personal care product ingredients.Thank you for your consideration.
And if you need another reason to ensure that Rep. Primavera has a safe and comfortable retirement from the state legislature in 2011, please also consider supporting Don Beezley for House District 33.
Glad to see you’re on this. I’ve been writing about it as well.