Locked in a primary against grassroots candidate Bob McConnell, Colorado 3rd Congressional District candidate Scott Tipton touts an endorsement that could go a long way with many in the Tea Party movement:
The Scott Tipton Campaign for Congress is honored to announce the endorsement of Congressman Jason Chaffetz from Utah’s 3rd Congressional District. “Congressman Chaffetz has been a leader in the grassroots and conservative movement,” Tipton said. “I am proud to align my values, my dedication and my passion for taking back this country with his.”
Congressman Jason Chaffetz: “I would like to announce my endorsement of Scott Tipton for the 3rd Congressional District of Colorado. After serving in Congress for the last year I know now, more than ever, that Washington needs a man like Scott Tipton who will fight for conservative values, defend our principles and uphold our Constitution. Scott Tipton is the type of leader we need to defeat John Salazar this November.”
“Congressman Chaffetz’s endorsement, as well as the substantial grassroots support our campaign has received since I entered the race in November, is putting us on the track to take back the 3rd Congressional District,” Tipton said. “I would like to thank Congressman Chaffetz and all of those who have given me support and encouragement as we work to defeat John Salazar.”
Reading a quick sketch of Jason Chaffetz’s bio and watching his Tax Day Tea Party speech in Salt Lake City will let you know why the new Utah Congressman is a hero of the grassroots Tea Party movement.
Sorry to bring this up here, but you haven’t written about the over $300,000 Buck is taking from a Ron Paul group to run TV ads. Maybe you can get to the bottom of this. Other blogs say Ken Buck met this summer with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender supporter/millionaire Tim Gill and that he made a promise to secretly help him because of a “hate crimes” case with a transgender person? Supposedly some case he prosecuted. The blogs claim Gill funnelled the money and is behind these new pro-Buck ads. Is that true?
You’ve got to give me something better than rumor and innuendo here. If this is part of a smear campaign, beware the backlash. Also, why bring it up here? Ken Buck is a different race than Scott Tipton. I think Rocky Mountain Right wrote about this — the $300,000 wasn’t taken in by Buck, but was spent by a 3rd party group on his behalf, as I understand it:
Interesting. Southern Colorado Tea Party has endorsed Bob McConnell….maybe you should follow up with them considering they are not only in state but in the district referenced. I’m never too impressed when out of state influences try to influence my state, regardless of Tea Party following.