How often do you hear of a gubernatorial candidate in a contested primary endorsing another candidate in a state senate primary? Oh, I haven’t done any exhaustive research. But it can’t happen too often. What advantage can be gained? I only ask having heard about this:
Today, former West Slope Congressman and leading candidate for governor, Scott McInnis, threw his support behind Mark Hurlbert for Colorado State Senate.
“As a conservationist and avid outdoorsman, Mark knows the district and will represent his neighbors’ interests well at the capitol,” McInnis said. “His ability to get groups with varying interests to come together and get things done will serve the state well. I look forward to working with him the future.”
Additionally, as a former police officer, McInnis reiterated Mark’s commitment to public safety saying, “Mark’s background as a prosecutor and witnessing the challenges of the criminal justice system uniquely prepares him to stand up for victims rights and punish wrongdoers.”
Interestingly, McInnis’ endorsement comes before Hurlbert has posted scarcely more than a hint about where he stands on any issues on his website. (Though he does have a link to the Scott McInnis for Governor website … Is this what Republican Party “unity” is all about?) I don’t have anything against Hurlbert, don’t know much about him. But conservatives already have a strong and sure friend in the Senate District 16 race: conservative Republican Tim Leonard.
Let me be candid. I have met Tim Leonard personally, and think very highly of him. He jumped in the race first late last year when no other Republican would pick up the slack. He is a fellow Hillsdale College alumnus (Go Blue & White!). He is a strong fiscal conservative who has signed the Colorado Union of Taxpayer’s Pledge (you can read about it on the main page of his website!) and a successful businessman. He has done a solid job of raising money thus far. He has earned the endorsement of many elected conservative Colorado leaders.
And if Scott McInnis can endorse Mark Hurlbert, I gladly give my personal endorsement (not of any organization with which I happen to be affiliated) to Tim Leonard. I encourage you to help support his campaign however you can. Republicans and fiscal conservatives can take back Senate District 16, and Tim Leonard is the one who can do it!
I’ve also met Tim and find him to be someone of outstanding character. I think that lots of folks can find things to disagree on within the party, but what most conservatives and Republicans are looking for are candidates they can TRUST. I’d trust Tim with anything. He’s the real deal – honest, upstanding, smart, successful, moral. On top of this he has an acute understanding of why and how freedom works, and how government can promote strong economies instead of draining them. What is the GOP scared of? It seems they will only talk to “insiders”.
I am personally very, very suspicious of the GOP at this point, as are most I talk to. Folks not even trusting their own party leadership is a bad thing. We can’t help but wonder why the COGOP would ignore a candidate of such great character, experience, reputation and personality (and handsome, too!). It’s as if the GOP doesn’t trust Republicans and wants to make our choices for us. Weird.
Go Tim!!!
I find it quiie interesting that one like Scott McInnis would be endorsing while a primary race is just starting. We need individuals like Tim Leonard in State leadership that know and understand business and financial matters. The last thing we need is another attorney is State leadership. Nothing against attornies, but with the current political and finalcial landscape, we need more business leadership!
Obviously, Scott McInnis has not taken a course in political etiquette. Usually, candidates running for office themselves do not endorse another candidate until after the primary. I have to agree with most of the women that are members of the Mountain Republican Women’s Club – they are extremely impressed with Tim Leonard. I have met him, heard him speak and it’s time we had some fresh faces in all branches of government. I also agree with Mr. Nelson – we are infested with attorneys. It’s time to bring fresh faces and new ideas to the State House. The old guard must go and the “go-along to get-along ” members of the GOP need to be replaced.
I agree with all the above posters. Though I have not met Tim, I’ve spoken with him about the issues. He clearly comes across as an individual of great integrity, as well as a brilliant understanding of economic issues. Unlike Mark Hurlbert, who is running to keep a lifelong political career, Tim is running because he cares about the state and the country.
You can read a lot about Hurlbert here. Otherwise, it’s hard to find out much about him as the local media are in his pocket.
I’ve also met Tim Leonard and he’s terrific
That said – there’s an implication here that Mark Hurlbert is not a true conservative and that could not be further from the truth – Mark Hurlbert is a terrific Republican and extremely beloved here on the Western Slope – he is active in our community here and extremely intelligent – we are lucky to have him in our good Party
I expect this to be a terrific primary between two great candidates
Peace and love all! Ali Hasan
Okay – I just finished reading the linked column above by Laura Victoria and it made me sick to my stomach
To say that Mark Hurlbert is a RINO and compare him to Bill Ritter??? For shame…
I ran for House District 56 as a Republican in 2008, with almost everyone in the world giving no chance of winning – I ended up with 47% of the vote (outpacing McCain and Schaffer by around an 11% average), almost unseating a Democratic incumbent
Mark Hurlbert was a big reason behind this because he helped me tremendously in my getting to know Summit and Lake Counties – more importantly, Hurlbert has been extremely instrumental in helping Republican candidates in Eagle, Summit, and Lake, where he constantly participates in County Party events, always doing his best to bring in volunteers and grow the Party
Overall, Mark Hurlbert has a history of BUILDING our good Party and I am so proud that he is in our good Party – to call him a “RINO” and compare him to Bill Ritter simply because is a DA (with a solid record, btw) is a travesty
Love and peace all – Ali Hasan
I have spent several hours with Tim Leonard and I am convinced that he is a conservative to the core!. I want to see us elect a person who will prove to be a conservative statesman and not a politician. I’ve been disappointed too many times while serving in the legislature for the past nine sessions. Tim Leonard is one I can count on to not waiver in carrying the conservative banner. Go Tim.