Yesterday’s Rasmussen poll is the best news GOP gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis has had in awhile, and well timed to land a week before caucuses. Fellow RMA blogger Don Johnson notes that McInnis’ six-point lead over Denver mayor John Hickenlooper comes in spite of a distinct popularity advantage by the Democrat. Johnson says: “That’s not so good for McInnis.”
I disagree with that assessment. Everyone knows Hick is more popular, flashier. The fact McInnis leads in spite of the disparity says a good thing not only about the former Congressman’s chances to claim the governor’s mansion next year, but also about the heavy baggage that comes with being a Democrat in Colorado in 2010.
Of course, plenty hinges on whether this latest poll is an outlier or the sign of a trend. A similar result in April may be dispiriting to the majority Dems.
But let’s bring it home. Does the new Rasmussen poll affect your view on which Republican candidate is the stronger general election selection to take down Hickenlooper: McInnis or Dan Maes? Have your say on the March survey of Colorado’s political temperature by Friday. Who knows? You could be the deciding vote.
Well if I’m the deciding vote then McInnis is going to win. I think it’s great that he’s in the lead espically since Hick jumped into the race. It just shows how strong of candidate he is. Dan Maes is just trying to be a spoiler, Scott has the experience and ideas that are needed to win the Governor’s seat and I for one think he’ll do a great job!
I agree with Andrew. McInnis can have this one in the bag as long as he continues to talk about jobs. I am tired of worrying about my job. I have a family I have to support.