It’s the day after the 2700-page Obama Care monstrosity passed the Congress, proving there really is no such thing as a pro-life Democrat and that Leftist Democrat leaders were determined to shove the highly unpopular taxes, mandates and controls down the throat of the American people … now what?
Dr. Paul Hsieh at Pajamas Media lays out the short-term and longer-term fallout, and the editors of National Review insist that Obama Care isn’t inevitable.
Meanwhile, you can spend a few minutes today signing one or both of the following petitions:
- The Senate Conservatives Fund “Repeal It” pledge (nearly 14,000 strong so far)
- The call to “Repeal Health Care Bill” on ipetitions
On the state level, you can help my colleagues at the Independence Institute Defend Colorado from Obama Care by getting up to speed on the issue, volunteering to gathering signatures and donating to the cause.
Hold candidates to the standard, and support those willing to take a stand on repeal. The cause of liberty and limited government needs us now more than ever. Keep your eyes on the prize, and move forward to November 2010 and beyond, as we can begin to undo most of the bad stuff in legislation.
Well, if the Grand Old Party actually is serious about repealing it and actually does pull it off, I will be impressed. Color me skeptical, however. As Mark Steyn put it so eloquently a couple of weeks ago:
Republicans are good at keeping the seat warm. A bigtime GOP consultant was on TV, crowing that Republicans wanted the Dems to pass Obamacare because it’s so unpopular it will guarantee a GOP sweep in November.
OK, then what? You’ll roll it back – like you’ve rolled back all those other unsustainable entitlements premised on cobwebbed actuarial tables from 80 years ago? Like you’ve undone the federal Department of Education and of Energy and all the other nickel’n’dime novelties of even a universally reviled one-term loser like Jimmy Carter? Andrew McCarthy concluded a shrewd analysis of the political realities thus:
“Health care is a loser for the Left only if the Right has the steel to undo it. The Left is banking on an absence of steel. Why is that a bad bet?”
Indeed. Look at it from the Dems’ point of view. You pass Obamacare. You lose the 2010 election, which gives the GOP co-ownership of an awkward couple of years. And you come back in 2012 to find your health care apparatus is still in place, a fetid behemoth of toxic pustules oozing all over the basement, and, simply through the natural processes of government, already bigger and more expensive and more bureaucratic than it was when you passed it two years earlier. That’s a huge prize, and well worth a midterm timeout.
I for one place more hope in the kind of thing the Independence Institute is doing with the proposed Defend Colorado from Obamacare Amendment, and I plan to be involved with it. Fred Barnes mentions this kind of thing as well in this article:
Thing is, Barnes call this thing by its historic name: nullification.
How does it feel to be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with John C. Calhoun, Mr. DeGrow? 😉
The 10th Amendment and nullfication are coming. There will constitute the wave of the future in the struggle aganst Leviathan’s hegemony. But sending the likes of Jane Norton to Congress will continue to be the politically moribund solution that it is.
The question then arises, however, “What if the Federal courts say ‘no’ to nullification? What then?” I know what my answer is. I’d like to know how y’all’d answer.