Tuesday night featured another in the latest of well-attended grassroots debate sponsored by conservative or pro-liberty groups: Candidate Debate 2010 in Colorado Springs. It got the attention of one Colorado Pols diarist, and made for a couple humorous anecdotes reported by the Denver Post‘s Lynn Bartels.
After the forum — which included Colorado candidates for U.S. Senate, governor and state treasurer — a poll was taken of forum viewers. Some have reported the results collected by text message, but have overlooked the paper ballot results. I checked with one of the event organizers, and was given the following official results including both types of ballots (I tallied the percentages myself), for those who are curious to know them:
U.S. Senate: 430 recorded votes cast
Ken Buck 195 (45.3%)
Jane Norton 125 (29.1%)
Tom Wiens 64 (14.9%)
Cleve Tidwell 32 (7.4%)
Steve Barton 14 (3.3%)
Governor: 339 recorded votes cast
Dan Maes 191 (56.3%)
Scott McInnis 148 (43.7%)
State Treasurer: 274 recorded votes cast
J.J. Ament 205 (74.8%)
Ali Hasan 51 (18.6%)
*Walker Stapleton 18 (6.6%)
* Candidate did not participate in the forum, but had a proxy speak on his behalf
If you didn’t get to view the forum but still want to express your views about these and other candidates and issues, you still have until tomorrow afternoon to register your opinions on the March edition of the Survey of Colorado’s Political Temperature.
Of course, this would go to Dan Maes. The majority of those showing up are tea party activists. The real results will come at the ballot box in August.