This day was coming sooner rather than later: Governor Bill Ritter retreated to a private room to sign into law nine anti-business, job-killing tax hike bills.
This action completes the trifecta of Democrat one-party rule under Colorado’s Golden Dome. On February 1, all Democrats in the state house voted to push through at least one of the tax hikes (and all but one voted for a majority of them) — including vulnerable incumbent Representatives Sara Gagliardi, Dianne Primavera, Dennis Apuan, Christine Scanlan, Jim Riesberg and Randy Fischer.
Then on February 10, all but one Democrat state senator jumped on board to support the “dirty dozen” — including Bruce Whitehead, Linda Newell and Lois Tochtrop. Two weeks later to the day we have Ritter finalizing the tax hikes on everything from candy to software.
The passage of these destructive and politically unpopular measures sets the clock ticking to Election Day (250 days to be exact), and gives fiscally conservative Coloradans the continued opportunity to work to end Democrat Party rule at the State Capitol. A roundup of some reactions from Republicans.
It is truly unbeliveable how out of touch these Dems are with the will of the public. They are just like Obama and Congress: they don’t care what the people think because they must feel the money and support they get from the government employees unions will outweigh voters without narrow special interest motives.