My good friend Amanda from Liberty on the Rocks is at it again, this time asking our appointed U.S. Senator Michael Bennet where he stands on the union card check issue: Michael Bennet has been stuck in indecision on the union card check issue almost since the day he was appointed to office a year and a half ago. Maybe the junior senator figured he doesn't have to answer the question because he cast a backdoor vote for card check via the Craig Becker nomination back in February -- but still losing some Big Labor backing to his primary rival Andrew Romanoff. At least by that time next year we have good reason to hope Bennet won't have to worry any more about constituents pestering him for his opinion on such issues. Leaving behind … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2010
Mistakes and Attacks Real, But Not Fatal Cause for Dan Maes Campaign
You rise out of nowhere and make a name for yourself running for the state's highest office, and some (near) certainties will follow: You will make some mistakes that set back your campaign ... or maybe prove its demise; and Others will go out of their way to try to bring you down, too. I'm writing particularly of GOP candidate Dan Maes, whose longshot run for governor of Colorado has all but crashed on the rocks a month before primary election day. Maes would disagree with me vehemently, and I admire his persistence. But the longer his race with front-runner and fellow conservative Scott McInnis drags on, the more voters expect something beyond the "insider" vs. "outsider" paradigm to make up their minds. And we know Maes is way … [Read more...]
Tougher GOP Senate Endorsement: CEA or Andrew Romanoff’s Mom?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the Colorado Education Association (CEA) -- the state's largest teachers union -- is not exactly likely to endorse a Republican candidate in a statewide election. Last week the union sent out an email to its members that began:About 20 Association members, representing 40,000 fellow members, recently interviewed candidates for Colorado's U.S. Senate seat. These members decided that CEA should wait until the August 10 Primary Election to recommend a U.S. Senate candidate to our members. The process these members used was to invite all the declared candidates in both major political parties to complete written questionnaires about public education issues and appear for personal interviews. … [Read more...]