The Rocky Mountain Alliance of Blogs (of which I am a member) and People's Press Collective (to which I am a contributor) -- not to mention the Independence Institute where I work -- are all among many co-sponsors of the upcoming First Annual Western Conservative Summit on July 9 to 11 in the south metro Denver area. Put this one on your calendars. There is a fantastic and diverse collection of speakers slated to come, including: … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2010
Which Ken Buck-Jane Norton Poll Is Most Trustworthy? I Say Magellan
I'm not the only one who has noticed the apparent desperation from the Jane Norton campaign. Fellow RMA and PPC blogger Don Johnson, frequently criticized for showing favoritism to the former lieutenant governor, now says that a Norton victory would make her "the miracle candidate of the year." Among other things, Johnson describes a newly released Norton campaign poll, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies (POS), showing their candidate with a 39-33 lead as "unbelievable." On Tuesday afternoon, upon invitation from the Norton campaign, I joined their press teleconference to discuss the results of this poll -- which contradicts recent polls from Magellan and SurveyUSA showing Buck with double-digit leads. (While Nate Silver's numbers … [Read more...]
Hugh Hewitt Makes Weak Attempt to Bolster Jane Norton’s Poll Showing
Yesterday I actually found myself in a mood to give national radio host Hugh Hewitt a chance to not embarrass himself in talking about Colorado politics. After all, with a great interview early in the show, Hewitt finally acknowledged the existence of rising star and Colorado Congressional candidate Ryan Frazier. (I haven't listened much lately: has Hugh Hewitt finally noticed Cory Gardner, too?) But toward the end of the program Hewitt started following the Jane Norton campaign's lead and bashing the SurveyUSA poll that put Ken Buck ahead of Jane Norton, 53-37. The host asserted in all-too-typical bombastic fashion that the polling sample of 59 percent men vs. 41 percent women wildly skewed the results in Buck's favor. … [Read more...]
Teflon John Hickenlooper Backs “Crash Tax” for Non-Resident Denver Wrecks
7News reporter Russell Haythorn has a great story today about a Denver proposal backed by Mayor John Hickenlooper to institute a "crash tax" on non-residents who cause traffic accidents on highways inside city limits:Some say it would raise revenue, others say it's a double-tax that would scare visitors away. "It would seem to me to be a little bit stupid," said Dan Trippie who was visiting from New York and rented a car to get around. "I think that's outrageous since I already pay taxes to work in Denver," said Ellen Warp, who lives in Wheat Ridge and works in downtown Denver. Go here to watch the video of the report. Kudos to my Independence Institute colleague Todd Shepherd for cracking the lid on this story. One of his … [Read more...]
SurveyUSA: Walker Stapleton Up By 10, J.J. Ament Faces Tough Challenge
Last night I posted a quick analysis on the fresh survey data on Colorado's big-ticket 2010 political races. Down the ticket, state treasurer hopeful Walker Stapleton has a 10-point lead on J.J. Ament -- who only a month ago won a resounding victory at the State Assembly. Having bypassed the assembly process, Stapleton successfully petitioned onto the ballot. The big numbers: Stapleton 41, Ament 31, Undecided 28. And according to the crosstabs underneath, Stapleton lead (or at least is statistically tied) among all demographic groups -- age, gender, race, region, etc. Even the pro-Tea Party voters narrowly picked Stapleton over Ament, 37-34. "This poll clearly shows that our message is resonating with voters across Colorado. Voters … [Read more...]
Numbers Don’t Back Norton Camp’s Attempt to Disparage SurveyUSA
Colorado's big political buzz since Sunday has revolved around the Denver Post / 9News / SurveyUSA polling on the gubernatorial and U.S. Senate races. The governor matchups pretty much reflect Rasmussen's recently released results, but the latest poll also puts Scott McInnis at a 2-to-1 advantage over fellow Republican Dan Maes in head-to-head support for the primary. On this point PPC blogger PerlStalker is correct about Maes' chances:That’s a lot of ground to make up before the August primary. I doubt that he can do it with so little time left. Don Johnson and others have been highlighting the most newsworthy result: Ken Buck's 53-37 advantage over Jane Norton in the Republican showdown for the U.S. Senate contest. The response from … [Read more...]
Dan Maes Responds: “I would never attempt to hide taxes and fees…”
I was taken aback yesterday when I read this Grand Junction Sentinel column that sure made it sound like Colorado Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes favored a lack of transparency in public utilities rate disclosure. Both a Rocky Mountain Right diarist and fellow RMA/PPC blogger Don Johnson jumped over the comments to assail Maes' views. I called Dan Maes this morning to get some important clarification. Below are my three questions and his brief answers: … [Read more...]
Balanced Budget, Obama Care, Space Programs, 2010 Election: Interview with Colorado Congressman Mike Coffman
I was privileged Thursday with the opportunity to conduct a one-on-one phone interview with Congressman Mike Coffman, Republican from Colorado's 6th CD. As co-founder of the Balanced Budget Caucus on Capitol Hill, it's not surprising that Coffman is heavily focused on the importance of this issue. "You have to take the power away from Congress," he told me. "It certainly has worked in some states." Coffman continued that he is "amazed how much overhead there is in the federal bureaucracy. The majority of what we do here has nothing to do with our constitutional responsibilities. It seems like the federal government is involved in every level of government." He believes the Balanced Budget Amendment will "force Congress to deal with … [Read more...]
Kudos to Denver Post for Calling Out Udall, Bennet on Big Labor Sop
The Denver Post editorial board is on track today with a piece calling on Colorado's sell-out U.S. Senators to come out and oppose a terrible piece of special interest payback legislation known as the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act:Insiders say Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, who is championing the measure, has as many as 62 votes. That tally includes Udall and Bennet. … [Read more...]
Connections: Colorado’s Bob Schaffer Backs Pete Hoekstra for Michigan Guv
A connection of the state of nativity with my state of residence -- the state where I cut my teeth on politics with the teeth the state where I've come more involved in politics than I ever imagined. Conservative leader Bob Schaffer, former Congressman and current chairman of the Colorado State Board of Education, publicly announced his endorsement in the Republican primary for Michigan's gubernatorial race in an email sent today to supporters:Please join me in supporting U. S. Congressman Pete Hoekstra in his campaign to become Governor of Michigan. With all the attention being paid to campaigns here in Colorado, you’re surely wondering why I’d ask you to join Maureen and me by supporting a candidate in Michigan. The answer is pretty … [Read more...]