On the eve of Colorado Republican caucus gatherings, which this year include a preference poll of statewide candidates (governor, U.S. Senate), here's a possible glimpse ahead with the release of our March survey results from the Survey of Colorado's Political Temperature. Major headlines: Ken Buck Wins Majority of Votes, Widens Lead Over U.S. Senate Field 50 Percent Support Dan Maes, 50 Percent See Scott McInnis as Stronger Participants Still Suggest Bigger Numbers for Caucus Participation Other bits from the survey: Survey-Takers Predict 5-Point Victory for Clear the Bench Underdogs Make Up Small Ground on CD7's Ryan Frazier, CD3's Scott Tipton Cory Gardner Still Strong in CD4, Stephen Bailey Tops in CD2 J.J. Ament Holds … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2010
Time to Denounce Taxpayers for Liberty: Sleazy Tactics & Shadowy Group
Update, 3/17: More to the story: Sue Rehg of Larimer County explains the unfortunate tale of how her name got connected with Taxpayers for Liberty. Earlier this week I introduced you to the mysterious Taxpayers for Liberty group and their survey results mailing on the U.S. Senate race:Suffice it to say, the group Taxpayers for Liberty is very fond of Ken Buck, while railing on Jane Norton for not returning the questionnaire and Tom Wiens for filling out the questionnaire identically but having a voting record, or something like that. If only I knew how nefarious it all was. Frankly, I'm sick of the underhanded tactics and the lack of transparency -- most especially in a Republican primary. I asked around about the Taxpayers for … [Read more...]
Will John Hickenlooper Answer Tough Questions on FasTracks Fabrication?
The Antiplanner blog -- experts on all things related to transportation -- has posted a question (several, really) for Democrat gubernatorial candidate John Hickenlooper to answer:Based on what we know today, including 40 percent cost overruns, revenue shortfalls, and the trivial amount of congestion relief that FasTracks is expected to provide, would you still have endorsed the 2004 FasTracks ballot measure? If so, then what are you going to do to make sure you are not again hoodwinked by bureaucrats who want to spend more tax dollars on future megaprojects? And if not, then who will you really represent: the voters, or the bureaucracies and special interest groups that want to take as much money as possible from those voters? Even nice … [Read more...]
Does CEA Care More About School Funding or Political Allies?
This article was originally posted at Ed News Colorado. Sure, the Colorado Education Association loves to increase funding for K-12 schools and retain member jobs. But sometimes, its pleas for school funding simply don't add up. Yesterday's CEA blog entry "Amazon: play fair, support school funding" is just such an example:In other words, Amazon firing its affiliates does nothing to impact the fact that Amazon.com is still required to collect sales tax or, at a minimum alert their customers to this requirement under state law. The giant retailer is using its political weight to protest losing its tax-free status and having to compete on par with other Colorado retailers. Why should you care? Because sales tax revenues fund public … [Read more...]
Colo. Springs Candidate Forum Goes to Ken Buck, Dan Maes, J.J. Ament
Tuesday night featured another in the latest of well-attended grassroots debate sponsored by conservative or pro-liberty groups: Candidate Debate 2010 in Colorado Springs. It got the attention of one Colorado Pols diarist, and made for a couple humorous anecdotes reported by the Denver Post's Lynn Bartels. After the forum -- which included Colorado candidates for U.S. Senate, governor and state treasurer -- a poll was taken of forum viewers. Some have reported the results collected by text message, but have overlooked the paper ballot results. I checked with one of the event organizers, and was given the following official results including both types of ballots (I tallied the percentages myself), for those who are curious to know them: … [Read more...]
Kudos to Mike Coffman for Leading on New Balanced Budget Amendment
Hats off to Colorado's own Congressman Mike Coffman for stepping up to the plate and co-leading the effort to bring back the Balanced Budget Amendment. Coffman lays out the case in The Hill blog:Adoption of a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget is an enormous task and will take an immense amount of political will but our future and our children’s future depends on lawmakers having the fortitude to do the right thing. To become law the measure must be passed by two-thirds of both houses of Congress and then be ratified by two-thirds of the states. In 1995 and then again in 1997 a balanced budget amendment passed the House but failed to meet the two-thirds requirement in the Senate by a single vote. It won’t be easy, but … [Read more...]
Taxpayers for Liberty: Who Is This Group Playing in U.S. Senate Race?
Update: Scanned copy of the March 5 Taxpayers for Liberty letter posted below. Yesterday I received a strange mailing from a group called Taxpayers for Liberty. (Many of my fellow conservative, politically-active Colorado friends likely received the same.) It's a self-described 501c4 organization with a Denver P.O. Box and an executive director named Andrew O'Neill -- I'm almost positive it's not this Andrew O'Neill. I will take time later today to scan and post the four-page letter, along with the attached questionnaire and reply form, so you can see the mailing for yourself. It looks a lot like your standard political fundraising letter, with short paragraphs and heavy on underlined text and bullet points. Suffice it to say, the … [Read more...]
Amazon Fallout for Colorado Dems
Despite the best efforts of Colorado statehouse Democrats to turn around and point the fingers at the e-e-e-eeevil Amazon.com, they (with the exception of Sen. Gail Schwarz) are all responsible for paying no heed to the warnings and ultimately killing many small Colorado Internet businesses. Speaking of difficulty in taking responsibility, WhoSaidYouSaid has posted a YouTube video of Democrat state senate leader John Morse going ballistic at Amazon. Sadly, for the overwhelming majority of people whose businesses have been affected, this just doesn't ring true. Turning in his Kindle for an iPad is John Morse's prerogative. But venting at a business for following through on a rational decision caused by his own vote won't ease the pain … [Read more...]
Rasmussen Poll: Best News for GOP Guv Hopeful Scott McInnis in Awhile
Yesterday's Rasmussen poll is the best news GOP gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis has had in awhile, and well timed to land a week before caucuses. Fellow RMA blogger Don Johnson notes that McInnis' six-point lead over Denver mayor John Hickenlooper comes in spite of a distinct popularity advantage by the Democrat. Johnson says: "That's not so good for McInnis." I disagree with that assessment. Everyone knows Hick is more popular, flashier. The fact McInnis leads in spite of the disparity says a good thing not only about the former Congressman's chances to claim the governor's mansion next year, but also about the heavy baggage that comes with being a Democrat in Colorado in 2010. Of course, plenty hinges on whether this latest … [Read more...]
Which Colorado Candidates Have Signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge?
Americans for Tax Reform's Taxpayer Protection Pledge has reached iconic status, especially in Republican primaries. Politicians who sign the pledge are declaring their opposition to any and all future tax increases. Below is the official updated list of all Colorado candidates for U.S. Senate and Congress who have signed the no-new-taxes pledge. Interestingly, the top four U.S. Senate candidates are all aboard, but only two of the four candidates in the 4th Congressional, and one each from the 3rd and the 7th. Current Republican Congressmen Mike Coffman and Doug Lamborn unsurprisingly are on the list as well: … [Read more...]