If you're in Colorado, the place to be today is at one of the Tea Party Express rallies rolling through our state: Grand Junction -- Date/Time: Wednesday, March 31st at 10:00 am Rally Location: 1301 East Sherwood Drive Grand Junction, CO Denver -- Date/Time: Wednesday, March 31st at 4:00 pm Rally Location: West steps of the State Capitol 200 E Colfax Ave Denver, CO 80203 It will be interesting to see what sort of turnout the national group will draw compared to some of the recent and upcoming events sponsored by local Tea Party groups. Look for coverage of the Denver event later on the People's Press Collective. … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2010
Whoops, Bad Idea: Leaving Elmer Hicks in Charge of Colo. Democrat Funds
Democrats' utter lack of fiscal responsibility with our tax dollars -- which makes the hypocritical excesses of Republicans in the Bush-era Congress look downright measly -- has become a byword, the stuff of legend. So I guess it's not a huge surprise to see a Colorado Democratic official with a heavily irresponsible fiscal track record mismanaging the party's own funds, too. CBS4 Denver has the video scoop on recently resigned state Democratic Party treasurer Elmer "Butch" Hicks -- a man with a laundry list history of bounced checks, garnished wages, bankruptcy and bad debt -- and the Adams County sheriff's investigation into missing party funds. Adams County Democrat Chairman Marty Wisniewski said he "didn't know" about Hicks' … [Read more...]
Taxpayers for Liberty Update: Can You Hear the Tumbleweeds a-Blowin’?
I promised that I would continue to follow up on the story of the secretive Taxpayers for Liberty (TFL) and its reportedly underhanded tactics in Colorado's U.S. Senate race. For review: Taxpayers for Liberty: Who Is This Group Playing in the U.S. Senate Race? Time to Denounce Taxpayers for Liberty: Sleazy Tactics & Shadowy Group Taxpayers for Liberty Update: Larimer County's Sue Rehg Tells Her Story After my initial investigation, the group sent out a press release to declare it was now active in other states, for the first time providing contact information other than a Denver P.O. Box to reach their executive director Andrew O'Neill -- who we at least confirmed was not a registered voter here in Colorado. I decided to give … [Read more...]
Of Recent Lang Sias Endorsements, John McCain, and Poor Voting Histories
Brace yourselves for my "usual thousand words".... Today Lynn Bartels reports that former Congressman Tom Tancredo has thrown his support behind Lang Sias in Colorado's 7th CD Republican primary. Quoting from the press release:In his remarks, Tancredo said of Sias, “Lang will be a great conservative voice in Washington. We talked at length about every issue under the sun - particularly the economy and national security – and he proved himself to be very well-versed and knowledgeable. When you listen to him relate his military background, his experience working with small Colorado businesses and his awareness of international issues, you really get the sense this guy is running for the right reasons.” “Not to mention," continued … [Read more...]
Catch Video of Colorado GOP Officials Fighting for Health Care Freedom
Yesterday our elected Republican officials in Denver came to life with some mighty statements. First, state legislators joined my boss Jon Caldara to urge support for the Defend Colorado from Obama Care ballot initiative, called on Attorney General John Suthers to join the lawsuit of states' attorneys general against the unconstitutional mandates in Obama Care. Joshua Sharf has posted complete video and analyses of both press conferences. I urge you to check them out -- so we can commend those Republican officials who have shown backbone and continue urging them to stay strong, while also reminding us of the ongoing need to educate members of the old media. In other words, vigilance remains the watchword of the day. As usual, the … [Read more...]
Obama Care Passes… Now What?
It's the day after the 2700-page Obama Care monstrosity passed the Congress, proving there really is no such thing as a pro-life Democrat and that Leftist Democrat leaders were determined to shove the highly unpopular taxes, mandates and controls down the throat of the American people ... now what? Dr. Paul Hsieh at Pajamas Media lays out the short-term and longer-term fallout, and the editors of National Review insist that Obama Care isn't inevitable. Meanwhile, you can spend a few minutes today signing one or both of the following petitions: The Senate Conservatives Fund "Repeal It" pledge (nearly 14,000 strong so far) The call to "Repeal Health Care Bill" on ipetitions On the state level, you can help my colleagues at the … [Read more...]
Don’t Burden, Smother Parents with SB 110’s Booster Seat Good Intentions
CBS4Denver reports: Booster Seat Measure Moves Forward in Legislature. The booster seat manufacturing lobby must be thrilled. But seriously... do parents need the nanny Democrats running the state legislature to impose another burden on us? Is the state going to give me a dollar-for-dollar tax rebate when I buy my mandatory booster seat for the oldest Little Virtus? It's amazing how any of us survived to adulthood riding around in those metal deathtraps of yesteryear. Why don't we just get it over with and require all kids to sit into a booster seat until age 12, and then mandate that every driver and passenger must wear a football helmet and padded body suit? If they didn't die a long time ago, personal responsibility and common … [Read more...]
Betsy Markey Caves on Obama Care, Hope She’s Not Counting on Fed Job
After losing votes for days, it looks like the Obama administration has made up ground arm-twisting votes for the government takeover of our health care system. The same day as the liberal Denver Post opined strongly against the legislation, the Post's Michael Riley reports that Colorado Congresswoman Betsy Markey -- formerly a No vote -- has bowed to Democratic leadership and decided to vote Yes (H/T Complete Colorado). I expect a large voter revolt to ensue. We already know from a recent poll that 58 percent of Markey's constituents oppose the Obama Care monstrosity. Maybe she doesn't care about that, you say? Maybe she expects some sort of federal appointment after Cory Gardner unseats her in November? … [Read more...]
Taxpayers for Liberty Update: Larimer County’s Sue Rehg Tells Her Story
A quick follow-up on the ripple effect that has come after I did a little firsthand reporting on the shadowy third-party group Taxpayers for Liberty (click the link if you need a refresher). I had a friendly phone conversation earlier today with Sue Rehg of Larimer County, whose name initially was listed as the group's registered agent. Here essentially is her story as she recounted it to me: … [Read more...]
Walker Stapleton Announces Foregoing Caucus Process, J.J. Ament Responds
A quick update from the Republican state treasurer primary. From a new press release from the Walker Stapleton campaign:Walker Stapleton, candidate for Colorado State Treasurer, will launch a grassroots statewide petition drive to earn a spot on the Republican Party primary ballot. "I am really looking forward to starting the petition process," Stapleton said. "This is a great chance to get out and talk to thousands of registered Republicans across the state about the need to put taxpayers first and put Colorado back on the path to fiscal discipline." … [Read more...]