Update, 2/28: Western Slope blogger Gene Kinsey has links to more Tea Party accounts from across the nation.
Update, 6 PM: My brother-in-law, an excellent photographer not usually inclined to attend politically-oriented rallies and events, had his pictures from today’s Denver Tea Party linked and featured by Instapundit. How cool is that?
More than 40 “Tea Party” rallies around the country today: Is there a revolution brewing? (Pun intended) Who knows? But the energy on display today can’t be left to simmer away in a lukewarm acceptance of wasteful government spending and mounting, endless debt.
Pictures of the Denver Tea Party are up at People’s Press Collective and Slapstick Politics (with video to come later).
Great pics from someone who attended the Chicago Tea Party – including a “Sam Adams” sighting. A couple hundred people showed up near the state capitol in my home state of Michigan for their own Tea Party – where the effects of a ravaged economy have been felt the longest and most severely. NBC has some bland coverage of events in Jacksonville, Florida.
Michelle Malkin also has a roundup of pictures from rallies all over the country, as well as pictures and video from the D.C. Tea Party she spoke at earlier today.
Thanks for the additional information. I’ve updated my site.