Introducing the top-line results from the 2nd edition of the survey of Colorado’s political temperature. Exactly 500 people participated in the project. Thanks to those of you who took the time to help out!
Coming later in the week will be an analysis of some key crosstabs and correlations. But for now here’s a quick rundown of the survey’s top-line results:
- The biggest winner, making significant gains in both support and perceived strength since our July survey, is gubernatorial candidate Josh Penry
- The larger shifting field of the U.S. Senate race gives a less clear picture, with Ryan Frazier edging out Ken Buck for most support, and Jane Norton beating Frazier by a similarly narrow margin for perceived strength
- The heavily Right-leaning crowd definitely shows more respect for Andrew Romanoff as a Democratic rival in the race than for appointed incumbent Michael Bennet
- Among the other races, treasurer candidate J.J. Ament made the biggest gains, while Scott Gessler (Secretary of State) and Cory Gardner (4th Congressional) widened their respective leads
- Demographically speaking, the group of participants in this poll was slightly more Republican, older, female, married, educated and non-white than the July sample
- Overall, those surveyed are more confident that Democrat policies in Washington will harm elected Democrats’ chances in the 2010 election, and believe that Bennet, Bill Ritter, and Betsy Markey are more vulnerable than two months ago
For more details, read the release below:
September 2009 Colorado’s Political Temperature Results
If you see any important detail from the survey missing from the above release, please feel free to comment below or contact me directly so I can help answer your question.
Thanks for the post Ben.