Update 3: Also a good article about the rally in the Gazette. And guess who was out and about peeping near the State Capitol?
Update 2: Slapstick Politics has the best visual coverage of the anti-Obamacare rally earlier today — not that I could hope to generate for his site even a modest fraction of the traffic produced by an Instalanche. And, oh yeah, the Denver Post has a story, too.
Update: Alex at Colorado Political News also has posted his letter to Perlmutter opposing the government health care takeover in HR 3200. Let’s hear from some more Colorado bloggers!
And if you want to shout, and not just write, don’t forget about the rally at the Colorado State Capitol at 11:30 AM.
Now is the time to write your Congressman and tell them to oppose HR 3200, the Obama Care anti-health care freedom bill. This morning I wrote Democrat Rep. Ed Perlmutter:
I’m urging you to oppose HR 3200 and its economically destructive, anti-freedom brand of so-called health care reform. Please don’t tax us to death to create a “public option” that inevitably will drive private insurance out of business and leave middle class people like my family without any option but to accept government medical service. Especially now, with the economy suffering, this costly approach would be disastrous.
As Shawn Tully did, please read the fine print of HR 3200. Please don’t take away what freedom my family has to choose our health insurance plan and physicians.
I have written before urging you to oppose bad legislation, but this one excels them all. There are other real health-care reforms (eg, allowing the expansion of insurance pools across state lines; limiting punitive damages on malpractice; incentivizing the use of health savings accounts; creating refundable tax credits for the few million people who actually are in need — not the grossly misleading 47 million number).
Oppose HR 3200.
To learn what other key members of Congress you can contact to target with phone calls, faxes, and emails on this legislation, Erick Erickson has posted a list over at Red State.
Is Perlmutter likely to vote against HR 3200 given who some of his top contributors are? I blogged about it at http://conservativefirst.wordpress.com/2009/07/26/perlmutter-watch-7-26-09-contributions-from-unions/ .