No time to blog in depth today. I invite you to check out my youthful alter ego Eddie's blog, especially yesterday's very interesting post titled "Teachers Union Hearts Voucher Group? Hatfields-McCoys Kiss and Make Up?" Oh, the times, they are a-changin'.... … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2009
Transforming Anti-Obama Care Debate to Pro-Liberty Health Reform
I'm a little late in posting, but I recommend to anyone who wants to stay intelligently attuned to the ongoing health care reform debate, please take a listen to my recent iVoices podcast interview with Brian Schwartz (click the play button): Both in the podcast and in a new Patient Power posting, Brian explains how the current medical insurance system suffers from too much regulation already and how insurance companies can gain more credibility in the debate. Speaking of the debate... … [Read more...]
New Hampshire Obama Care Astroturfing … Grand Junction Next?
The Campaign for Liberty documents the pro-Obama astroturf activity in and around yesterday's staged New Hampshire townhall meeting (H/T Granite Grok). Watch carefully, especially those of you who may be heading to Grand Junction to welcome the President for his next staged townhall meeting: … [Read more...]
Two Great Pieces Broadening Context Around Health Care Reform Debate
Getting caught up in the intense, day-to-day political and policy battles over the health care reform debate, it can be helpful from time to time to step back and take a look at the big picture. Not that I have time myself, but I can point you to two excellent pieces that do just that. First, National Review's Ivan Kenneally identifies evidence of a disturbing trend emerging in the current political showdown. Key quote to whet your appetite:Unfortunately, the contempt for public debate is one of the hallmarks of Obama’s technocratic approach to politics — in place of a healthy and democratic deference to public opinion, we get the assurance of expertise that comes with a bevy of special-issue czars. Meanwhile, the always … [Read more...]
Happy Cost of Government Day!
Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) notes that today, August 12, is the official "Cost of Government Day" for 2009:Working people must toil 224 days out of the year just to meet all costs imposed by government - a full 26 days longer than last year. In other words, in 2009 the cost of government consumes 61.34 percent of national income. We all know that the size and scope of government has been growing steadily for some time, but this report from ATR brings home just how quickly the Obama administration has accelerated the spending and debt, and what it means for families like mine. Those who want to know more should read the detailed report (PDF). … [Read more...]
Obama Lies about His Support for Single-Payer Government Health Care
Update II: The Heritage Foundation's Conn Carroll has identified even more lies and misinformation from yesterday's townhall meeting -- including some of the same old, same old from Obama. Update: To his credit, even Lefty David Sirota is upset that Obama is making "verifiably dishonest statements". And with his false claim of AARP support, make that two big whoppers the President told yesterday. Is there any other way to explain this than Barack Obama lied? "I have not said that I was a single-payer supporter," the president told his staged New Hampshire townhall meeting today. Ace of Spades has full video of today's comment against the backdrop of the video of Obama telling AFL-CIO supporters in 2003, "I happen to be a proponent of … [Read more...]
Dr. Obama’s Health Reform and the “Public Option” Cheese Shop
Last night as I put the elder Virtus child to bed, we looked at her stack of four Berenstain Bear books. In a rare display of 3-year-old magnanimity, she told me, "Daddy, you pick the story." So I picked up the copy of Old Hat, New Hat and delightfully suggested, "Let's read this one." A bare second passed before little pale fingers reached instead for Bears in the Night, as she insisted, "No, let's read this one." And so, naturally, we discarded all talk of headwear and instead followed the little bears through the dark up Spook Hill to the hooting owl and back. Before we began the story, however, the thought struck me: The scenario was an apt metaphor for the Obama Care "public option" ... "Why yes, Mr. DeGrow, you can choose from … [Read more...]
Ryan Frazier’s “New Generation of Leadership” Merits Closer Consideration
Washington Times political reporter Jennifer Harper, writing from "Inside the Beltway", takes notice of Colorado's own Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ryan Frazier as "a man to watch" (something we here at home already knew):While Republicans dither over party identity, one of their own has stepped forward and cut to the chase with a clear take on what matters and what works in a complicated political landscape. "There is a better, more responsible way. It's called the American way," Ryan Frazier tells Inside the Beltway. Frazier -- who was about the only candidate approaching a clear-cut victory in the largely murky results of recent July survey of 600 Colorado online participants -- also conducted an interview with Newsmax TV. … [Read more...]
New I.I. Video Exposes Another Danger of Obama-Style Health Reform
My employer, the Independence Institute, has released another great video. Find out in less than 90 seconds why Obama Care is like a game show you don't want to be a contestant on: I suppose introducing this video to you makes me "un-American" ... … [Read more...]
Obama Care Astroturfing
The Left has grown so mixed up in its own deceit and self-delusion -- as they try to distract from the substance of Obama Care's open door to socialized medicine and government rationing -- it's hard to know where to begin. How about trying to drive the meme that citizen protests against Obama Care are overwhelmingly corporate "astroturfing" (a phony grassroots movement). There are so many clear, pointed refutations I've come across that it seemed easier just to point them out to you here in a quick list format. If you can following the links, read all these and still continue to believe that the pro-liberty, anti-Obama Care crowd is guilty of "astroturfing" as much or more than the Left (show me the evidence), well, we won't mistakenly … [Read more...]