This is one in a series of daily posts I conceived of writing many weeks ago while the election still raged on, as I looked for something to write about of more lasting value. The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving seemed perfectly appropriate for it. Just in case you wondered, the topics introduced are not necessarily in any particular order. I hope the series is of some small encouragement to you, even as my site traffic takes a dive.
I have the historian’s uncanny memory for dates. In an unusual role reversal, I was the one who pointed out to my wife the other day that today (November 13) is the 10th anniversary of when this poor schlep finally got the nerve to ask and our committed dating relationship began. Engagement and marriage followed a few years later, but a whole decade? Yes, I’m getting old enough. And no, I wouldn’t want to retread all the things I’ve learned since that have slowly hammered out some of my immaturity. (Mrs. Virtus recognizes more of the remaining immaturity than I care to admit – If you know me, you may know my wife or at least her name. But for the playful purposes of this blog, I call her the lovely Mrs. Virtus.)
Anyway, I would be a fool not to publicly acknowledge how truly blessed I am by the wife and lifelong best friend God has given me. In many ways we are eerily alike, including some of the same interests. We enjoy spending time together when we can, including the now very occasional piano-violin duets. But at the same time she has unique gifts and sensitivities that largely complement my own set of strengths and weaknesses. God arranged this blessed match in spite of ourselves.
Better to avoid an abundance of words for what can be said aptly by a few. My wife is an amazing help-meet, a needed part of my conscience, a valued prayer partner, a cause for greater spiritual growth in my life, thoughtful and thrifty, patient and tenderhearted, honest but not harsh, in all ways warm and genuine. She either laughs at my jokes or kindly tells me when they’re not funny. What more can a man ask for? I think by God’s grace we’ll stick together, and I’ll continue praising Him for giving us to each other.
Really like your series, Ben. Thanks.