Colorado soon will have a black Speaker of the House to go along with a black Senate President (Peter Groff). The Denver Post reports today that the Democratic caucus in the state house has thrown its support behind Denver's Terrance Carroll to replace Andrew Romanoff in one of the state's highest political positions. Moving beyond race, Carroll is someone with whom I obviously have many political disagreements. However, on the issue of school choice that I care about deeply, he is as good as the Democratic caucus has to offer. I feel a little better about the hope for defending and advancing gains in educational freedom with him at the helm than with the alternatives. But we'll remain diligent at our post. In other news, Republicans … [Read more...]
Archives for 2008
What I’m Thankful for #1: The Legacy of My Grandparents
This is one in a series of daily posts I conceived of writing many weeks ago while the election still raged on, as I looked for something to write about of more lasting value. The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving seemed perfectly appropriate for it. Just in case you wondered, the topics introduced are not necessarily in any particular order. I hope the series is of some small encouragement to you, even as my site traffic takes a dive. I am thankful for the legacy of my grandparents, not nearly as much a material legacy as one of character and fond memories. Not much more can be said about my Grandpa DeGrow, about whom I posted exactly one year ago to the day, on the 100th anniversary of his birth. (But I do invite you to read it, if you … [Read more...]
And a Few More Bright Spots for Colorado and U.S. Conservatives
It's the morning after... El Presidente has some amusing video reactions to last night's election results. Meanwhile, both Joshua Sharf (who ran a valiant race in an overwhelmingly Democratic district) and Rocky Mountain Right highlight the bright spots for Colorado conservatives. I concur with their lists, but let me add one more small bright spot in Colorado. The State Board of Education lost GOP chairman Pam Suckla - a Bill Ritter apologist - and gained common-sense conservative Marcia Neal, giving an effective Board majority that the Colorado Education Association can't be terribly happy with. Especially if Bob Schaffer is selected as the next chairman. At the national level, the good news is that Republicans may have … [Read more...]
Defeated but Not Down
It's hard to live up to the promise of live-blogging when there isn't much good news to report. This is the Democrats' night. I'll let them enjoy it. May God give them the grace to govern wisely. Somehow I doubt they will, certainly not from the perspective of life, liberty, and limited government. At least the vittles are good here at the John Bodnar party in Westminster. I couldn't bring myself to visit the somber affair down at the Marriott South. Meanwhile, I'll go look for the few bright spots of the night. Some big tax increases on the ballot maybe going down. (This tells me the state isn't lurching Left as much as it's turning Blue.) Other than that, not much. Don't expect to see a lot of politics on this site in the days … [Read more...]
Get Out and Vote, Colorado GOP
If you haven't voted yet and still have a question about any of Colorado's statewide ballot measures, please check out my voter guide. Not sure what to do about judges? This is the best set of suggestions I've seen (and when in doubt, vote No). But whatever you do, please get out and vote! AN URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL COLORADO REPUBLICAN VOTERS From the Colorado Coalition of Conservative Bloggers As you know, Colorado has been labeled a "swing" state in this year's elections, and will be one of the states that will determine the direction of our nation for the next four or eight years. Historically, the voters in Colorado elected Republican candidates, largely because of the higher numbers of registered Republican voters. This Republican … [Read more...]
An Election Day Prayer
For my fellow Christians:1 Timothy 2:1-4 First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin is Cleared in Troopergate
Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin's reputation is salvaged from scurrilous charges in a faux scandal (H/T Fort Hard Knox). Given its 11th hour release, you can just about guarantee the media establishment will bury her exoneration. … [Read more...]
Rehashing Obama’s Equivocations
Mary Katherine Ham's excellent video reminds us in just a few short minutes why Barack Obama's long string of equivocations on issues great and small adds up to a lack of leadership. Let me also pass on American Princess' warning to her readers: "Prepare to vomit." … [Read more...]
U.S. Supremes Hear Idaho Case One Day Before Amendment 49 Vote
The day before Colorado voters go to the polls (or at least the few that haven't cast ballots already) to decide Amendment 49 - the Ethical Standards initiative concerning the use of government payroll systems - the U.S. Supreme Court today heard oral arguments (PDF) in Ysursa v. Pocatello Education Association (H/T Liberty Live). What's the connection? The Ysursa case is reviewing a law known as the Idaho Voluntary Contributions Act. As I pointed out many weeks ago, Amendment 49 is a better version of this clean government payroll law. I previously discussed this issue with Mike Reitz of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation on an iVoices podcast: It likely will be several months before our nation's highest court renders a verdict … [Read more...]
A Few Things to Look for in Election Results in Colorado and Nationwide
Are you interested in tracking the election results as they come in tomorrow evening? Rocky Mountain Right has the essential guide for tracking the performance of Barack Obama and John McCain here in Colorado, with the four key counties to watch. Nationally, for the Presidential race, all eyes should be on Pennsylvania and its 21 electoral votes - so astutely says Erick Erickson at Red State and Jim Geraghty's pseudonymous mentor Obi-Wan (who also has loads of other great information). After Pennsylvania, Colorado & Nevada here in the West will be bellwethers. If Pennsylvania is where it's at, the McCain-Palin team had better continue hounding this theme: … [Read more...]
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