As my colleague noted on the Schaffer v Udall blog, a recent audit of taxpayer-funded expense accounts by the state board of education has shown just how frugal Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bob Schaffer is - as he claimed only $521. Reporters did ask board chair Pamela Jo Suckla about her $25,851, and got an answer:Suckla said her expenses were higher than other members' because she has to commute from her home in Slickrock on the Western Slope, rent cars and stay in hotels, while others live along the Front Range. She said the board held more meetings than usual last year because members were searching for a new education commissioner. Sure, that's worth extra scrutiny, but it at least gives a plausible explanation. But … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2008
Dose of Humor: The 24 Pilot from 1994?
Posted over at the Volokh Conspiracy is a short video depicting what a pilot episode of Fox's 24 would have looked like if were done in 1994. Good humor, especially for fans of the show. … [Read more...]
Tonight I was called "Superdaddy" at least 50 to 60 times by a smart, beautiful, healthy, happy and giggly (nearly) 2-year-old girl. And it required very little provocation. Life doesn't get much better. … [Read more...]
Mitt for President
Sadly - but arriving with an increasing sense of inevitability - Fred Thompson has dropped out of the race to be our next President. A classy departure worthy of an honorable man who ran an honorable, if less than inspirational, campaign. Most telling is his lack of endorsement: a non-endorsement that has to hurt John McCain. Yes, my predictions for South Carolina clearly were wrong, altogether too much made from the heart rather than the head. I'm not ashamed of holding out hope for Fred while hope was still there. Nor should my blogger friend Steven be ashamed of holding out hope for his man Huck (though we disagree on his candidacy). I share the sentiments of Dr. Rusty Shackelford at The Jawa Report (H/T Hugh Hewitt):Dear fellow … [Read more...]
Teacher Union Prepared to Thwart Autonomy Reform, Its Own Members?
Today is the day of truth (again) for the union that represents Denver public school teachers. As the editors of the Rocky Mountain News highlight today, observers want to know whether they will vote Yes and grant the request for freedom from district bureaucracy and union work rules, or vote No and stand squarely in the way of educational progress for a high-poverty school: We're heartened by this spontaneous uprising. It has been led as much by unionized teachers as by school management; two-thirds of Bruce Randolph's DCTA members backed autonomy, and at Manual the vote was unanimous. The DPS board unanimously approved Bruce Randolph's request last month, so the district is open to giving some schools more control. But the union brass … [Read more...]
Roe v Wade at 35
Tomorrow is the annual Blogs for Life conference at Family Research Council headquarters in Washington, DC, a somber commemoration of the 35th anniversary of the terrible and infamous Roe v Wade decision from the U.S. Supreme Court. A provocative NewsMax essay today from Joseph Sobran summarizes three and a half decades of the debate:Note the strange progress of the advocates of abortion. A generation ago, just before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that virtually all legal restrictions on abortion violated the U.S. Constitution, these people agreed that killing the unborn was evil; but they held that its evil might be minimized by legalizing and regulating it. Then they shifted to what might be called an agnostic position: that nobody … [Read more...]
South Carolina Predictions
If Michael (picking McCain) and Steven (picking Huckabee) can do it, let me venture a stab-in-the-dark prediction at today's South Carolina Republican primary results. Because, with Rasmussen seeing an extraordinary amount of uncertainty and the unusual weather apparently driving down turnout, this one is up in the air. So without further ado, here is my prognostication: Huckabee ... 28 Thompson ... 24 McCain ... 22 Romney ... 13 Paul ... 7 Giuliani ... 6 Such a finish would knock McCain down a couple notches and give Thompson the boost he needs heading into Super Tuesday as a viable competitor with Huckabee in the Southern states and with Giuliani & Romney in some of the other states (provided Rudy can win Florida, of course … [Read more...]
Rehashing the Bruce Brouhaha
Up to this point, I haven't taken time to comment on the Douglas Bruce brouhaha. So here it is: I'm glad to see good, intelligent, respected voices from my side able to distinguish between the free market, limited government views he espouses and the shameful behavior he has demonstrated. A few of them are highlighted below... … [Read more...]
Economic “Stimulus” = Impatient Politics Trumping Good Policy
Update: It's good to see Michael at Best Destiny and Phil at Clear Commentary thinking along similar lines. With all the news of economic slowdown nearing fevered pitch, some Americans will like the sound of a few hundred extra bucks in their pockets. Hey, it sounds good to me, too. Except it's not a tax break in the sense of getting to keep more of your own hard-earned money. It's plain old wealth redistribution, as explained by George Mason economist Russell Roberts in this piece (HT Rossputin):The money has to come from somewhere. If you raise taxes to fund the plan, the people who are taxed are poorer and they'll spend less. If you borrow money to fund the plan, the people who buy the government bonds have less money to spend and … [Read more...]
Fredmentum Firsthand
"The man finally comes around," writes Red State's Erick Erickson for Human Events, as he travels with the Thompson campaign in South Carolina:Though barely mentioned in the national media, Senator Fred Thompson has been on a barn storming tour crisscrossing South Carolina for more than a week. In a unique approach, he is not just going to major media markets, but to rural areas of South Carolina. On my first day on the trail with Senator Thompson, he drew a crowd of 180 people to a small Mennonite restaurant in Abbeville, South Carolina — population 26,000 with a median income of $15,370. He capped off the day at the Orangeburg-Calhoun County Technical College in Orangeburg, South Carolina with over 200 people braving a rare snow shower … [Read more...]