The Left-wing propagandists at Progress Now have returned to doing the bidding of the teachers unions and their legislative cronies, as they are now calling on Colorado's Commissioner of Education William Moloney to resign. In his nine years as commissioner, the eminently experienced and qualified Dr. Moloney has been a champion for parents and students in his ongoing work to promote sensible and effective reforms. At the last State Board of Education meeting, a group of superintendents showed up to present a newly published report that said the Colorado Department of Education was not providing sufficient leadership. The next day the Democrats on the State Board of Education went a step further and called on Moloney to resign. It … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2006
Ding, Dong, Zarqawi is DEAD
The media manipulating mass murderer responsible for the deaths of many Americans and Iraqis, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, has been terminated along with several other Islamofascist terrorist masterminds by a precision military strike today. Good news! While certainly not the end to insurgent violence in Iraq, it is a major blow to the enemies of freedom there and a small step forward for the new democratically-elected government. The best take comes from Blackfive: by Froggy, by Uncle Jimbo, and by Blackfive himself. Other good sources are Austin Bay and Iraq the Model. Meanwhile on the Left, as the Daily Kos sighs "Finally" at the news, some of the moonbat Kos Kid commenters reveal their true tinfoil hat colors. One Christopher Day … [Read more...]
Book Review: Globally Underwhelmed
Joseph A. Klein. Global Deception: The UN's Stealth Assault on America's Freedom. Los Angeles: World Ahead Publishing, 2005. Having served several times as a delegate at my county and state Republican assemblies, one of the resolutions frequently voted on is: "The United States should withdraw from the United Nations." No proposed resolution at my recent county assembly received a smaller vote than that question - 51%, less than the two-thirds needed to be ratified. The globalist-socialist United Nations does not poll very well in the United States generally, but an especially politically conservative group of Colorado Republican activists was basically split on the question of whether we should disassociate entirely from the … [Read more...]
Sinking Ship
Stephen Paulson of the Associated Press reports: Embattled GOP gubernatorial candidate Marc Holtzman said today a judge will have to decide whether he gets into the August primary, but he stopped short of saying he would file a lawsuit or seek a court order. Apparently the Holtzman campaign doesn't have much of a case to make an appeal with the Secretary of State. As the campaign's top deck starts to disappear below the water line, inquiring minds want to know: are there enough lifeboats on the RV? For the few conservatives who are still in distress concerning whom to support for governor, I bid you come to shore and to join your fellow conservatives supporting the state's best political hope this November: Bob Beauprez. … [Read more...]
I may be considered anathema among many fellow Christians and social conservatives, but I agree wholeheartedly with fellow RMA blogger Michael (second time I've linked and quoted him in one!): I believe marriage is the union of one man and one woman. I believe marriage is a Sacrament, instituted by God, affirmed by Jesus, and not particularly subject to the whim of judges in the state of Massachusetts or any other state. However, the Constitution has granted the right and duty to decide licensing details to the several states. And it is in that forum that such decisions should be made--not Congress. If the Senate were really interested in this issue, it would dedicate this week to passing a long slate of judges out of … [Read more...]
Last night, our friends at ProgressNow wrote: The Senate is poised to vote on the Musgrave/Allard Federal Marriage Amendment this week. This is a transparent political move designed to pander to their extreme right base and distract the rest of us from their failures on issues like spiraling national debt, skyrocketing healthcare costs and a quagmire in Iraq. I commend to their reading a fine and thoughtful article today by Dennis Prager, who sanely should be considered very close to the middle of the political spectrum. A key excerpt of the article: That most liberals cannot understand conservatives' views about marriage as anything but bigotry and/or pandering is part of a narcissism that characterizes much of the Left. The … [Read more...]
Another Voice of Reason on Holtzman
Fellow RMAer Michael writes: The [Holtzman] campaign always seemed a bit . . .Quixotic . . . in nature. Marc has never held elected office, and other than among D.U. alums, is not exactly a household name in Colorado. And while there is a certain charm to the underdog, there is also something sad about refusing to notice reality, and something potentially very harmful to continuing this campaign. However, I still believe Marc Holtzman has a lot to offer Colorado. He should start working within the Party to implement some of his ideas about youth movement, and to fundraise and oherwise assist GOP candidates to take back the state legislature, which could do a lot to move his fiscal ideas forward. He could build his name and reputation, … [Read more...]
Time for GOP to Put the Bungling Behind
It's time for Colorado Republicans to put the bungling behind them and unite behind Bob Beauprez. Holtzman came up 743 signatures short (despite the Denver Post's faulty math) - though there's sure to be a recount in the coming days. The Secretary of State certifies the primary ballot by next Friday. What do I mean by "bungling"? First and most obvious, the Holtzman campaign's ground game. Expecting more than 40% at the State Assembly, they were shocked to find out they only got 28% and didn't make the ballot that way. More recently, Holtzman's team turned in 21,000 petition signatures but had a high rate of rejection. It would appear the names or signatures were not given careful scrutiny - a big no-no. Second, and to a lesser … [Read more...]
Ouch: Bad Day for Holtzman
Two breaking news stories this afternoon for a quick read: Associated Press, "Colorado Candidate Fined for Illegal Ads" Rocky Mountain News, "Holtzman Not on Ballot" For Marc Holtzman, this would have to qualify for the classic definition of "bad day." The latter article suggests a serious disagreement about the judgment that the gubernatorial candidate didn't have enough signatuers on his petitions to qualify him for the November election. While he turned in 21,000 signatures (expecting a certain margin of invalid markings, of course), keep in mind that candidates for statewide office have to gather 1,500 Republican registered voter signatures from each Congressional district, and the Denver Democrat stronghold of the 1st CD … [Read more...]
Everett Makes Ballot
The Colorado Secretary of State's office has validated Senate District 22 Republican candidate Justin Everett's petition signatures, with an astonishingly high certification rate - 1,297 of 1,354 submitted signatures were accepted, or 95.8% (compared to about 80 percent for rival Kiki Traylor)! One big reason for that is Justin personally acquired more than half the signatures himself by going door-to-door to meet voters: truly grassroots! Here is an excerpt from his official announcement: After speaking with voters in our district, it was clear that our message of immigration reform, improving the educational opportunities for our children and practicing true fiscal responsibility represents the opinions of our community. Now we’re … [Read more...]