Editor's note: I have included my most highly recommended Lincoln book selections at the end of this post, if you care to read that far. Since the celebration of Abraham Lincoln's birthday was subsumed under the generic President's Day label, the significance of tomorrow often is forgotten. But I would have a difficult time omitting a commemorative mention of the significance of February 12 - especially this year. In both the Gregorian and Western Christian church calendars, 2006 runs the same pattern as 1865, the closing months of Lincoln's life - since recounted in legendary memory. The assassination of the 16th President took place on the night of Good Friday, April 14, the same date in which American Christians and others will … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2006
From the “Death of Common Sense” Case Files
Fox News reports: BROCKTON, Mass. — A 6-year-old boy is getting a lesson on the meaning of sexual harassment long before he'll be able to spell it. The first-grader was suspended for three days for sexual harassment after he put two fingers inside a classmate's waistband, school officials told his mother, Berthena Dorinvil. The boy told her he only touched the girl's shirt after the girl touched him. Experts say only in rare, troubling cases can children that young truly sexually harass one another. "The connotation is you're getting some kind of sexual gratification, or wanting sexual gratification, or are putting pressure on for some kind of sexual gratification, when a 6-year-old doesn't have that capacity," said E. … [Read more...]
Crossroads Quickly Approaches for Colorado Dems
A strong message has been sent by Colorado junior U.S. Senator Ken Salazar's rapid-response endorsement of Democrat gubernatorial primary frontrunner Bill Ritter in the wake of Mayor John Hickenlooper's 11th-hour declaration that he wouldn't run. The former Denver District Attorney is his party's best hope to capture the statehouse, now that Hick has bowed out. Salazar's clout and status brought to bear so quickly seems to say that he thinks no other Democrat should enter the primary - and he doesn't even need to mention the low-profile candidacy of Rep. Gary Lindstrom. Meanwhile, every hour of indecision for Boulder liberal Rep. Alice Madden is an hour closer to turning a longshot campaign into a wasted effort. And so many questions … [Read more...]
Democrat Brain-Gouging
Today's "On Point" by Vincent Carroll is priceless: he highlights a Colorado Democrat legislator who has introduced a bill that reveals some combination of total economic illiteracy, shameless populist pandering, and/or a statist thirst for destructive power. Out of deference and good will, we will presume the motive to be the first. From Carroll's piece: … [Read more...]
Deflating Jobs Myths
There is a great editorial in the Chicago Tribune today (HT: Real Clear Politics) that deflates the mythology of the 'jobless recovery' and other Democrat nostrums about national employment trends. The national unemployment rate stands at an incredible 4.7 percent (4.6 percent in Colorado), but the naysayers press on. More specific Colorado jobs myth deflation to come in the near future, time permitting. … [Read more...]
What You Need to Know about Colorado Dems
Some brief Monday morning thoughts: Colorado Democrats are under a lot of pressure and influence from the aging dinosaur of organized labor, which despite its "pro-worker" rhetoric, champions some legislation bound to have an adverse effect on working families. Working families who shop at - or even work at - say, Wal Mart. Did they take a poll of the giant retailer's employees before deciding to support a measure that would mandate a certain percentage of payroll on health care benefits? This is horrible legislation that would primarily benefit the union bosses and their organizing buddies, and could hurt the many student and second-income employees who already are covered by someone else's health insurance and choose to work at Wal … [Read more...]
When is a Fight Not a Fight?
Berny Morson of the Rocky Mountain News reports on a briefing yesterday put on by Pam Benigno of the Independence Institute. Months of interviews and research have gone into the still-ongoing findings about how fights and assaults are reported on Colorado's School Accountability Reports (SAR). The short story of a complicated topic? Reporting violent incidents in schools is a lot closer to obscure legal technicality than common sense. Perhaps you remember the story of a student murdered in a Denver high school cafeteria, recently reported as a "Dangerous Weapons" incident. This anecdote is only the most extreme and striking of many points of confusion on the SAR. Parents and taxpayers deserve a clearer and fairer picture of the … [Read more...]