I’m sure the boys at Fraters are aware of the old Irish saying, but under the current circumstances it bears repeating: “When everyone says you’re drunk, you’d better sit down.” When the best defense of your state’s honor is giving the correct spelling of lutefisk, it’s time to take a seat, Peeps.
Perhaps reviewing some of the great moments in Minnesota history will remind the inebriates of the terrible insecurity driving them to waste their time trying to disparage the beautiful state of Colorado.
Here are the highlights – a chronology of events that nearly every Minnesota school boy can recite with pride:
I mean Minnesota? Seriously… the swampy wilderness best known for its iconoclastic adherence to naming a certain children’s game “Duck, duck, grey duck”? The state that gave birth to John Madden, Winona Ryder, Garrison Keillor, and raised Al Franken? Please, sit down. You’re embarrassing yourselves.
I thought Jared’s was good…whew, smokin!
What does Marya think of you putting Gabrielle in that category?
Tread carefully with the “Duck, duck, grey duck” comments. Them’s fightin’ words.
Well, if true be known I actually think the Minnesota quarter is a little dorky. Everything is just floating out in space. I think that if Gabrielle had designed it, it would have looked much better.
However, maybe the ducks, I mean loons, on the quarter are appropriate. Maybe Minnesotans could change the game to “duck, duck, silver duck.”