I have accepted an invitation to appear at a national conference of free market / limited-government bloggers. It's off to the 1st Annual Samsphere Chicago event this weekend:Samsphere is a new media forum, hosted by the Sam Adams Alliance, where bloggers and e-activists from across the country can gather together to network and share ideas. Samsphere will be specifically geared toward bloggers and e-activists who focus on local and state-level politics, and who are dedicated to the principles of individual freedom and limited government. For the hard-core Lefties, yes, Samsphere is the shadowy Vast Right Wing Conspiracy in action. For the rest of my readers, it's not so secretive as all that. It will be an opportunity to expand the … [Read more...]
New Wadhams Blog Welcomed
Colorado state Republican Party chair and political mastermind Dick Wadhams, whom I heard speak confidently and eloquently last night about the GOP's prospects in the upcoming presidential election, has introduced himself to the blogging world today with his first post on the Colorado GOP site - key quote:Democratic Candidate Ritter campaigned as a moderate, almost as a conservative, telling Colorado’s business community he was their ally and friend. Candidate Ritter was a farce. Now we know who the real Bill Ritter is. No doubt after this post, the Lefties will see further evidence of vast conspiracy between Wadhams and the independent, grassroots Ritter Watch blog. Of course, they have the prerogative to be wrong - and to waste … [Read more...]