There's lots of bad news out there, which put me in the mood for some timely levity. This must-see video is sure to elicit a laugh (or, at least a smile). From, the Bailout Prize Patrol visits everyday Americans, large corporate banks, and United States Senators with large checks, colorful balloons, and tacky noisemakers. Oh, come on, you know you want to watch it (H/T Real Debate Wisconsin): … [Read more...]
In Memory of Jim Cannon: Celebrating a Blogger’s Life and His Savior
Earlier this week brought the sad news that my friend Jim Cannon, one of the founding members of the Rocky Mountain Alliance, had passed into eternity. Many tributes have been written. Yesterday was Jim's memorial service. The family asked me to share a few words about Jim on behalf of the bloggers. Here it is (with links added, where appropriate): … [Read more...]
What I Want to See for the United States, Conservatism, and the GOP
Looking ahead to 2010 and beyond, this is what I want to see in the United States of America: A biblical, spiritual revival ... something for which I pray to God The revitalization of conservatism (a shared value in the Founders' "constrained vision") in American public life ... something of which I seek to persuade others A Republican Party more informed by conservative, limited government principles ... also something of which I seek to persuade others A governing Republican Party majority ...something for which I volunteer and vote Where incompatibilities between the above priorities can be proven with a reasonable degree of likelihood, the higher priority wins. (And no, I can't think of any situation where voting for or … [Read more...]