From today's Denver Post:Gov. Bill Ritter celebrated Earth Day beneath an unblemished blue sky this morning by enacting several major pieces of his Climate Action Plan, including a statewide greenhouse gas emissions reduction standard. I'm curious to know why the phrase "an unblemished blue sky" was included in the lead sentence. It would have been a lot more compelling to read that Ritter was standing beneath "a smog-filled sky," or that he was "drenched in sweat from the Climate Change-induced heat wave." But then again, Steven Hayward at Human Events explains how the radical environmental agenda has been a victim of its own success:Time magazine this week is running its sixth cover story about global warming, but one of these days … [Read more...]
On a Transparency Kick
In case you care to read them, below are my two latest published pieces for your perusal, and they strike a common theme: transparency in government. On Nov. 24, the Rocky Mountain News published (printed in the Sunday Denver Post, of all places) my Speakout submission in response to Gov. Ritter's unionization executive order. This Sunday, the Pueblo Chieftain published my op-ed calling for greater online transparency of school district budgets. Want to figure out as a taxpayer just how much your local schools are spending on different items? Think it's easy? Hence, the purpose of the op-ed. So yes, I've been writing on a transparency in government kick lately. It's an important issue more people on both sides of the aisle might … [Read more...]