When 9News reporter Nelson Garcia wanted a different perspective on school district bond elections, he asked to interview me. If you want to see the video - or just read it in print so to avoid having to look at me - the story is here:Ben DeGrow is the education policy analyst for the Education Policy Center within the Independence Institute, which is a conservative political think tank. DeGrow says too many middle class families are coping with high gas prices and a poor real estate market to think about raising their own property taxes for schools. "This may be a tough year for JeffCo and other metro school districts to be asking for money," said DeGrow. JeffCo is just one of the major districts around Denver poised to ask voters … [Read more...]
Ed is Watching
Why the cryptic title: Ed is Watching? It's the name of a new blog I've started contributing to as part of the Independence Institute's Education Policy Center. If you go there now, you'll already find posts up on charter schools, on Flunked: The Movie's Colorado debut, and on a new major school choice law in Georgia. From Jon Caldara's blog:Ed’s job is to keep an eye on, “… legislators, state officials, school boards, administrators, principals, teachers, and other people and groups that have an influence on public education in this great state.†So to get your daily education fix, check in with Ed and see what he has to say. Please stop by the site, bookmark it for regular visits, and tell all your friends! … [Read more...]