Apparently, "experienced" Joe Biden doesn't know much about the high office of vice president he is running to fill. My first-year law school friend Tyler at Constructively Reasonable has the details (and as Tyler points out, so do the legal minds at the Volokh Conspiracy). So does the Washington Times. A man who has been in the U.S. Senate for 35 years could be so ignorant about how our federal government works? What if it had been Sarah Palin who had made the gaffe? You can imagine the mainstream media reports would be swift, harsh, and unforgiving. But since it's Slow Joe Biden at the Wilmington, Delaware Home Depot, representing their favored Democratic Party ticket, for the most part there's been nothing but the sounds of crickets … [Read more...]
Seriously … Joe Biden?
Update: Another Colorado blogger added to the list below Barack Obama picked Joe Biden as his running mate ... seriously? When I first heard the news late last night, it sounded too good to be true. My first reaction was that Obama must have made the pick from an insecurity about Obama's personal and political weaknesses. Example? There's no way Biden's long-winded, incoherent ramblings could upstage the Obamessiah's cultish appeal at this week's Democratic National Convention. Beyond the DNC, what does Barack Obama have to look forward to in having Joe Biden as a running mate? What do we really know about Biden? Here's a quick rundown from Colorado bloggers: … [Read more...]