James Sherk of the Heritage Foundation (and a proud fellow Hillsdale College alumnus) breaks down the evidence to debunk the "Employer Advantage" myth at the heart of Big Labor's argument for the card-check bill before Congress:The law stacks the deck against employers in union drives. And – contrary to union assertions – the overwhelming majority of employers obey the law. Which is why unions rack up that impressive 2-1 win rate. The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace is right to say that the government should not tilt the playing field even more heavily in union organizer’s favor. That would hurt workers ability to make a free choice. … [Read more...]
“What Do Ya Got There?” “It’s My Secret Ballot.” “Not Anymore It Ain’t.”
The ironically-named Employee Free Choice Act is the name of the Big Labor special interest legislation to take away workers' rights to the secret ballot. EFCA has been beaten many times, but like a bad dream it keeps coming back. What's the big deal, you say? Would you want this guy looking over your shoulder when you vote? (H/T Fred Dooley) … [Read more...]