Thanks, Mr. Snaggle-Tooth, for your lengthy treatise in response to my prior arguments. In it you write:Ole Ben links a Liberty article by libertarian attorney Timothy Sandefur, ‘n I mus' say it’s jus’ ‘bout as good as the pro-Unionist argumint kin git. Quite Jaffian it wuz, with the acrid odor of Claremont about it. But that article got picked to pieces in-iss un', written by anothah libertarian attorney, Stephan Kinsella. (See this here response by Kinsella too.) Well, in the interest of time, here's an even better version of Sandefur's argument (link leads to abstract, from which you can download a PDF). It's a very well-documented and well-argued essay, and there isn't much I can add to it in this forum. Some of its salient … [Read more...]
Not about the Rebel Yell
Fellow blogger Snaggle-Tooth Jones has leveled a misguided attack:This here's a YouTube video showin' a 1938 reunion of Confederate and Yankee soldiers on the field of Gettysburg: Now, here's a litte question for Ben DeGrow and the othah no-account neocons (and damn fool libruls) who 'r vexed over All Things Confederate: why do ye suppose these men cud get together in such a spirit of civility, if not chivalry? I'd like to hear from ye in my commints box, Ben DeGrow. Why d' ye 'spose U.S. Grant happily tolerated the playin' of "Dixie" at this here event? Or why do ye 'spose that Grant was so magnanimous at Lee's surrender at Appomattox? Or why Lee defended Grant when one of his … [Read more...]