Everyone has a friend in need at one time or another. The widespread panic and quarantining of the coronavirus in early 2020 is a perfect example of a time when individuals that are hurting or scared simply need help. This help can come in a variety of different ways including providing emotional, and even physical support, depending on the situation. If you have a friend in need, here are some suggestions and considerations for how you can go about advocating for your loved ones. Always Put Yourself in Their Shoes First When you hear that someone is hurting, it’s often tempting to rush off and “help” them as soon as possible. This help typically revolves around what you think you would want in a similar scenario. Instead, … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2020
The Data of Online Safety for Children
Children today are growing up in an era unlike any other — they’ve never known a time without the internet, streaming services, social media, and more. The average child spends roughly 3.5 hours online each day. While the ability to research topics instantly, complete homework online and talk to friends around the globe is phenomenal in some aspects, there are definitely some downsides. Rates of suicide and depression in children and teens are higher than ever before, attention spans are dwindling and cyberbullying is a pressing issue many kids face on a daily basis, but what does the data say about online safety as it pertains to children? If your child has access to the internet, you should be well-versed on the dangers and … [Read more...]