The holidays only come around once a year, so you should try to make the best of them. Perhaps your way of doing this is to plan a vacation and head out of town as a way of shaking things up. To ensure that you actually enjoy your time away, you should put certain things in place before leaving. This includes taking appropriate steps to keep your home safe so you meet your house how you left it when you come back.
Additionally, you want to be fully present so that your trip is memorable and you don’t miss any special moments. Even the drive to holiday festivities are an opportunity to grow closer as a family. Sometimes, the only way you can achieve this is by stopping to unplug from the things that take away your ability to be fully present.
To get ready for that great holiday trip, here are a few useful tips for safety and success.
Sweep the House
No, not just that sweep. The first step to take before traveling for the holidays would be to check your house to make sure everything is in working order. Even if you won’t be gone for a lengthy amount of time, you should still be sure everything at home is functioning as it should. Aside from giving you less to worry about when you get back, it’s a way of eliminating potential hazards.
For instance, check to make sure there are no leaking pipes and your plumbing is up-to-date; if there are issues, reach out to a professional immediately to make repairs. Otherwise, in a worst-case scenario, you could end up coming back to a flooded home. Other areas of the house you may want to check are your wires to make sure none are frayed. Also, be sure you don’t have a faulty electrical system as electrical faults cause around 51,000 fires every year.
When doing your routine home checks, try to tidy up and do a deep cleaning in the process. This way, you can come back to a refreshing space. To make you feel welcome when you get back from your winter travels, consider buying a few new items for the house.
Update Your Security
Home security can be another major concern when you’re going out of town. To decrease the risk of being burgled, see how you can make your house more secure before going. To begin with, don’t advertise your vacation on social media platforms or anywhere else that such information could fall into the wrong hands.
To keep your home safe, perhaps see if you can find a house sitter. To find one that’s trustworthy, ask for recommendations from people you know. Also, try using online resources but ensure you check reviews beforehand if possible.
If you don’t already have one, get a home security system so that you can keep an eye on your house while you’re away. Most burglaries take place between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. as that’s most likely when people will be out and about.
Unplug Yourself
Traveling for the holidays not only gives you the chance to spend time with loved ones, but it can be good for your physical and mental health. For this reason, it may be worthwhile to look for ways to maximize your experience and get the most out of your trip.
One suggestion is to unplug and cut away from everything that will distract you from being present. The most successful people are good at doing this and one of their methods is to set the goal of doing nothing. Remind yourself that the primary purpose of your holiday is to connect with loved ones and create new memories. If you’re used to working around the clock, this is a way of reprogramming your mind so you aren’t sucked into work.
You should schedule an out-of-office message so that you aren’t receiving work emails. Some people would go as far as staying away from technology as a way of unplugging so they actually socialize and engage. Filling your schedule with activities could serve as a good distraction, too. Whether it’s booking time at a spa or going sightseeing with your family, these are all ways of living in the moment.
Travel Safety
Keeping the whole family safe while you’re on your trip should be a priority. You can do so by adopting common travel safety tips. If you’ll be traveling by car, maximize safety behind the wheel. Doing simple things like stopping to take regular breaks when you’re driving could help curb exhaustion and keep you alert. Also, try minimizing distractions such as loud music. Keeping your phone on silent so that you aren’t distracted by calls or texts is another way to make sure your focus stays on the road.
To have a successful trip during the holidays, you’ve got to be intentional about it. Planning ahead and anticipating contingencies is a way of doing so. Hopefully, by keeping your home in a good state, updating your home security, and unplugging, it could be one of your best vacations yet.
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