Having a baby is a big deal. It impacts your life in nearly every way. Babies bring new levels of responsibility, care, and concern and create a sense of purpose and meaning that no hobby or profession can deliver. In short, babies don’t just change the day-to-day routines and habits of their parents, they revolutionize the way they see the world. And, of course, as with all larger life transitions, going into the change with a little preparation and understanding can make a huge difference in how gracefully parents can adjust to the new way of life that lies ahead. Get Your Ducks in a Row While there are the obvious things like diapers and onesies that everyone thinks of getting when a baby’s on the way, there are actually quite … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2019
Tips for Doing Your Own Home and Vehicle Maintenance
Image Source: Unsplash Your home and your car are probably always going to be two of the biggest assets you have at any given time. So, it only makes sense to make them a priority. Taking care of your home and your vehicle will make them withstand the test of time and can actually end up saving you a lot of money, time, and headaches in the long run. There are plenty of benefits to performing your own maintenance checks and doing some handyman work. When you do something yourself, you’ll undoubtedly take the time to do it right and protect your investments. But there’s also a sense of pride that comes along with doing your own maintenance. You can feel as handy as Tim Allen in “Home Improvement” — but maybe with a few more safety … [Read more...]