Update, 2/5: Business Word dug deeper and found that Tom Wiens actually contributed all but $87,169 — a disappointing revelation that shows his earlier competitiveness may have been overstated, and further strengthens Jane Norton’s claims on the frontrunner position.
Fellow RMA blogs Rocky Mountain Right and Business Word both noted today that Tom Wiens led the pack in 4th quarter fundraising for Colorado’s Republican U.S. Senate primary at more than $725,000. Both were left to speculate how much came from contributions and how much was Wiens’ own money.
Well, this evening I received a release from the Wiens camp that begins as follows:
Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Tom Wiens filed his Year End FEC report yesterday with the Secretary of the Senate. After only two months as a candidate, his campaign reported total year end receipts of over $728,418, which included contributions of over $188,418 and a candidate-provided loan of $540,000.
“Scott Brown’s election in Massachusetts is a clear indication that voters will not have the establishment in Washington, D.C. tell them who their candidates will be,” said Wiens, “and I am honored by the grassroots support that I am receiving and excited by the energy that I see as I travel Colorado.
Now we know more of the specifics. It still isn’t good news for frontrunner Jane Norton, but it’s even worse news for Ken Buck — who disappointed with less than $40,000 in 4th quarter contributions. The question is how well Wiens can continue the fundraising trend without digging deeper into his own pockets.
But in any case, it’s game on for a Republican Senate primary.
Ken Buck is getting my vote, and that cannot be bought.
Is it just money or is there any consideration of where it comes from? According to Michelle Malkin, Jane raised 40 % of her contributions out of state much of that from lobbyists. Apparently, John McCain(according to the same article) connected her up with a lot of these same lobbyists and to again quote MM Jane’s brother in law, a Mr. Black, is also a lobbyist. Nuff said.
Ken has my vote too. He is a man of integrity and honor, something I know from personal experience working with him on a local Greeley campaign. This man cannot be bought.