Earlier today Joshua wrote:
Hugh, you know we’d like to have you here in Colorado, under the right circumstances.
But it’s hard to see how those circumstances include a dilletante’s knowledge of Colorado politics, and a studio build-out large enough for a swimming pool and in-studio parking. Then again, the Winter X-Games sponsorship possibilities are intriguing.
I second that motion. The right circumstances also might include a regular weekly segment on the Hugh Hewitt Show with representatives of the Rocky Mountain Alliance of Blogs, and a severe rationing (or outright ban) of pathetic cheerleading for Ohio State and all teams Cleveland.
To this Tribe and OSU fan, Hugh’s cheerleading is a feature, not a bug.
If Hew Hughitt th’ Execrable moves here t’ Colorader, I’m a-goin’ t’ Dixie fir shure.